23-24 Enrollment, Spring Assessments, National History Day

Good afternoon,

We greatly appreciate all the families who attended Dr. Kaliamurthy's session on Wednesday evening.  We will post the slides from the presentation on the Deal website later this week.

Shout out to Mr. Haller for creating such a joyful Spirit Week for our 8th graders.  It was great to see so many smiles on our students' faces.

Kudos to Ms. Andrews, Ms. Baker, Ms. Law, and Ms. Newman for planning the science field trip to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.  Thank you for providing this hands on experience for our 7th graders.

Gracias, merci, and xiè xiè to Ms. Cuffee, Mr. Mybau, Ms. Lerum, Ms. Daniels, Mr. Zhi, and Mr. Rottman for planning our international trips again this year.  Our 8th graders will be off to Costa Rica, France, and Thailand in a few weeks.


Ward 3 EdNet, International Trips


SY 23-24 Enrollment, Community Service