6th Grade
Assistant Principal: Stacey Gathers
Counselor: Tysha’ Morris
Reach out to Ms. Morris for questions about:
Academics and Academic Interventions
Executive Functioning Supports
504 Plans
Social-Emotional Supports
Transitioning to Middle School
Dean: Devin Watson
Reach out to Ms. Watson for questions about:
Attendance Interventions
Conflict Resolution
Culture and Climate
Student Behavior
Social Worker: Ellen Barr
Reach out to Ms. Barr for questions about:
Attendance Interventions
Crisis Intervention
Family and Community Supports
Social-Emotional Supports
English 6
Accelerated Math 6 or Math 7 (determined by math diagnostic)
Earth and Space Science
World Geography
Health and PE (18 Weeks)
Art (9 Weeks)
Music (9 Weeks)
World Language (Beginners’ Level - Chinese, French, or Spanish)
Homework Expectations
Every student receives an agenda book to keep track of assignment and assessment due dates. Students are required to carry their agenda with them during the school day.
Students and families should check Aspen regularly for assignments, grades, and other updates.

Transitioning to Middle School
Moving from an elementary school setting can be a challenge for many students as they begin middle school. A successful transition to a larger environment, more classes, and busy hallways can be intimidating. At Deal, we understand! We support children with their transition to 6th grade before and during their first year as middle school students.
Students at our feeder elementary schools are first introduced to Deal through our popular Buddy Days. These events help 5th grade students learn first-hand about life at Deal from current 6th grade students who are alumni of the same elementary school.
Deal’s administrative team also hosts Feeder School Chats, providing important information about the transition, including expected changes for students and detailed information about how middle school works. Open house events are held on weekends, welcoming prospective families to engage in tours around the building led by Deal students.
Each summer, Deal RISE invites incoming 6th graders to participate in half-day summer workshops to help familiarize them with their new school, new classmates, and new teachers.
Every year, the final Friday of the summer is dedicated to 6th Grade Orientation. Students have the opportunity to follow their schedules in an abbreviated timeframe, where they are able to meet their teachers and start to learn their way around their new school.
Once school starts, the transition continues. The first term can be a period of adjustment for everyone.
Parents are encouraged to attend Parent Workshops in early September. These cover topics such as supporting your child’s organizational skills, monitoring your child’s progress in Aspen (DCPS’ online grading system), and communicating with your child’s teacher team.
For regular updates on these events and more, sign up to receive regular updates here.
We look forward to having your child join us and can’t wait to see how much they grow throughout their 6th grade year. At Deal, it’s our motto – Here We GROW!