The Deal Approach
IB & Deal
Deal’s Primary IB MYP policies
The below policies highlight the rights and responsibilities of teachers, students, and guardians of the Alice Deal Community in five domains:
Deal uses the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP), which encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. Within its academic framework, the MYP aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging sense of self and responsibility in their community.
We combine DCPS subject standards with the IB MYP in a rich, engaging environment. To understand the school’s approach, it helps to have a better idea of how we organize its teaching.
Students at Deal take seven classes each year: mathematics, language and literature (know as ELA), science and design, individuals and societies (history), language acquisition (world language), arts, and physical education. These courses are generally one year long, with arts and physical education courses as advisory or semester courses. In addition, the MYP requires a distinct technology course for Deal, which is provided in an integrated manner throughout the school year.
In each course, MYP students are assessed in the MYP aims and objectives, as well as DCPS subject standards. These IB MYP aims and objectives are broken down into four categories (criterion) focused on real-world skills. The MYP objectives provide an excellent and comprehensive set of learning goals for students.
Whereas a typical course in a traditional DCPS school is contained within a single year, the MYP is structured as a multi-year course with interim and end-of-course objectives. Thus, DCPS might have world geography in 6th grade, ancient history in 7th grade, and U.S. history in 8th grade; these are all included in a subject called “Individuals and Societies” for the MYP. Please see a breakdown of the scope and sequence of courses here.
The IB MYP emphasizes international-mindedness in students, starting with a foundation in their language and culture. It encourages a positive attitude toward learning by challenging students to solve problems, show creativity and resourcefulness, and participate actively in their communities. It reflects real life by providing students a way to connect subjects and meaningful issues.
The IB MYP recognizes that academics are only part of what a student learns at school; all IB MYP schools emphasize growing the whole student. One way this is done is through the IB learner profile. At Deal, the entire community uses the 10 IB learner Profile attributes to help students grow to be global citizens.
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