Bullying Reporting and Investigation
The staff at Deal works hard to create a school environment that is inhospitable to bullying. Still, incidents of bullying can occur. Students, families, and community members are encouraged to notify school staff when they suspect a student is being bullied by another student(s). Any member of the Deal community can report alleged bullying to any staff member who will report it to the school's Bullying Point of Contact (Assistant Principal Sandi Baer) or use this Bullying Investigation Form.
Note: When the circumstances involve cyber-bullying, individuals with information about the activity are encouraged to save and print any electronic or digital messages sent to them that they feel constitute cyber-bullying.
There are often misconceptions regarding the definition of bullying. Some behaviors and/or actions that do not meet the definition of bullying are often referred to as bullying. Three specific characteristics that differentiate bullying from other behaviors are as follows:
Persistent - Repetitive or continuous
Pervasive - Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect);
Severe - Unsparing, harsh, or strict, as in treatment of others
Bullying Is:
Repeated aggressive behavior
Intended to cause harm (physical or emotional)
An attempt by one or more individuals to gain power over another
Physical: Hitting, kicking, pushing, destroying property
Verbal/Written: Threatening, name-calling, teasing, taunting
Social/Emotional: Terrorizing, spreading rumors, intimidating, humiliating, blackmailing, isolating
Cyber-bullying: Using technology to bully others verbally, emotionally and/or socially
Bullying Is Not:
Not liking someone
Accidentally bumping into someone
A single act of telling a joke about someone
Expression of unpleasant thoughts or feelings regarding others
Arguments or disagreements
Being excluded from a game or group on the playground (unless being done regularly and with intention to hurt the feelings of another)
Isolated acts of harassment, aggressive behavior, intimidation or meanness