National History Day Highlights

Congratulations to our Deal students who have been working all school year in our after school NHD Club to research, create, and present their National History Day project!  

This year’s theme was Frontiers in History.  Students chose their own topic, researched it (including creating an annotated bibliography for BOTH their primary and secondary sources), wrote a process paper detailing their process in researching and creating, and created one of several formats:  documentary, website, exhibit board, and research paper.  To learn more about this national program and competition, visit: 

The following students advanced to Citywide and will learn on April 6, 2023 if they will advance to Nationals. The following were submitted projects:

  • Lila Noti (7th grade), “Mary Beth Tinker: At the Frontier of Students Rights”, Individual Website

  • MaryJane Webb (6th grade) and Elina Hart (6th grade), “Writing a New Frontier of Education”, Group Documentary

  • Emily Coile (7th grade), “Jane Goodall: Forging a Path for Female Empowerment”, Individual Paper

  • Ida Laitin (7th grade), “Oskar Schindler: Altruistic Leader Begins a New Frontier”, Individual Website

  • Ellington Hunt (8th grade), “Sam Cooke on the Race Frontier”, Individual Exhibit Board

  • Matteo Espejo-Jensen (6th grade), “Fascist Caudillo”, Individual Documentary

  • Mollie Lauter (7th grade), “At the Birth of Exposure: McClure’s Frontier into History”, Individual Exhibit Board

Shout out to Abigail King (7th grade) and Sophie Katz (6th grade) who also attended all year and researched their own topics!

Ms. Ford and Ms. Trenkle couldn’t be more proud of such a hard working, critically thinking, and history happening group!  You balanced school, personal lives, and this very academic club in a very finessed way!  


Dealapalooza: Movie and Mimosas


Community Project Spotlight