What’s Happening at Deal
Principal Neal’s Weekly Bulletin
Weekly Bulletin
Community Updates
Upcoming Events

Deal on Social

Congratulations to the Deal boys and girls swimming team for winning first place in the DCIAA swimming championships! Shout out to Coach Conway and Coach Downing for your support all season long! #admsherewegrow

Thank you to our friends at the American School Foundation in Guadalajara for spending a wonderful afternoon with us at Deal! #admsherewegrow

Join us virtually for Tuesday's ADCA meeting and information session at 6:30 pm. Virtual link available in our bio. #admsherewegrow

Congratulations to all of our NHD participants who joined the DC Citywide Competition! Deal had another successful year! #admsherewegrow

Families of current Alice Deal Middle Schoolers! You can give back to our DC community at DC Central Kitchen. Parents and students 12 and older are welcome and every student should come with an adult. Additional details will be sent once you sign up. #admsherewegrow

Learn about the great things happening this month at Deal's library. See the link in our bio! #admsherewegrow

Congratulations to our 6th, 7th, and 8th, graders who participated in the Global Classrooms DC Winter Training Conference last Friday! #admsherewegrow

Join the Future Chef Culinary Competition on March 28 at Whittier Elementary School! Interested students should see Principal Neal to get a recipe form. #admsherewegrow

Hear from Deal Alumni
In wishing us a happy 90th anniversary, some of our alums reflect on learning and growing at Deal.

Janeese Lewis George, D.C. Ward 4 Councilmember

Karl Racine, D.C. Attorney General

Warren Buffett, Investor