The Tempest, Assessments, Report Cards
Message from Principal Neal
Term 2 Report Cards
Term 2 Report Cards are now available in Aspen. A printed copy was sent home with each student on Thursday. If you have not received your student’s Term 2 Report Card, please contact your grade-level Counselor:
6th Grade: Jacob Memminger |
7th Grade: Lynn Lienemann |
8th Grade: Alexis Wilson |
Ms. Morris, Ms. Lienemann, and Ms. Travers will develop WOOP plans with students who earned D/Fs during Term 2. Goal setting is an important way to make progress as a learner and develop skills around working toward short and long-term goals. WOOP (an acronym which stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan) is an evidence-based intervention that helps introduce students to goal-setting.
Here We GROW!