ADMUN Conference
All students are invited to participate in Deal’s Model UN Conference on March 15, 2025 at Deal from 10 am to 3 pm.
If you have a permission slip, please return it and the $20 (cash only please) to Ms. Trenkle (Team Berlin Geography Teacher) in W104 by February 19. You may turn it in earlier as well—you don’t have to wait until Feb. 19! If you need a permission slip, please see Ms. Trenkle in W104!
Be sure to mark your calendar for March 15—the day of our conference!!! The all day conference will feature an open ceremony, committee, pizza lunch, great discussion and collaboration, hopefully a resolution to the issue of plastic production and consumption, and a closing ceremony. Basically, a day of fun!
Upon returning your permission slip and money, you will choose your country, receive a background guide, and a directions page of next steps. We also have two position paper writing workshops for ADMUN and to help students who have questions and want to know more before the big day! The position paper writing workshops will be on February 25 and March 3—they are the same session, so no need to attend both—choose one! :)
You do not have to be in the Model UN Club to participate. If you are interested in joining Model UN Club we meet on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:20 pm (except the third Wednesday of the month when we have a staff meeting and there are no clubs).