Grade Level Barbecues Soon!

Mark your calendars for Deal's Grade Level Barbecue!

Presented by your Assistant Principal team, with support from the Alice Deal Community Association, these events are getting-to-know-you F-U-N! Each barbecue will happen from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Deal. 

If you’re not sure exactly where to go, just follow the sound of the music to the back of the school! Burgers, hot dogs, and drinks will be provided. Deal Gear will be available for sale. Sign up below to volunteer or bring an item to share.

  • Meet 8th Grade Families and connect with each other on Saturday, September 14 (Click here for 8th grade)

  • Meet 7th Grade Families and connect with each other on Saturday, September 21 (Click here for 7th grade)

  • Meet 6th Grade Families and connect with each other on Saturday, September 28 (Click here for 6th grade)

It is not just a BBQ…it's a great way to connect with Deal families and build community!

Questions? Reach out to


Calling Weed Warriors on September 21!


Deal Drive