Deal Drive

Deal Drive is the ADCA’s main fundraising source to support so many activities throughout the 2024-25 school year. We need to raise $175,000 to meet this year’s budget and suggest donations of at least $350 per student (or $35 per month). Every dollar helps, and families who are able might considering putting in a bit more.

Thanks to your partnership, we are able to fund things like:

  • Academic field trips & events that foster healthy friendships 

  • Music, arts, & theater programs that help students grow and thrive

  • Sports teams & clubs that strengthen bodies and minds

  • Community service programs where students engage the wider world

  • State-of-the-art technology & STEM program enhancements that equip scholars for the future

  • Summer programs that prepare students for higher expectations in math & ELA (SMAC, SMILE, ELAvate, and RISE)

  • And lots more…


Grade Level Barbecues Soon!


Back-to-School Night