Virtual High School Night, Counselor Connection, Winter Sports

Principal’s Message

Good afternoon,

We had a great time during last week's Spirit Week! Students and staff are welcome to continue the joy by wearing costumes on Monday, October 31. Costumes may not interfere with learning. This means no masks or costumes that restrict movement or vision, prevent sitting at desks, or prevent participation in physical education class. Additionally, costumes must not obstruct movement in the hallways.

  • Costumes may not promote violence or have accessories or props that could be used as a weapon.

  • Masks are not permitted.

  • Make-up or face-paints are permitted.

  • You must be able to sit, walk, breathe, see and hear (no masks that cover the face).

  • Costumes cannot promote use of drugs, alcohol or weapons of any kind.

  • All school rules will be enforced (i.e., no bikes, skateboards, roller blades, etc.).

  • Students should not wear costumes that make fun of others.

We are asking students to only bring 5 or fewer pieces of candy to school on Tuesday, November 1. Large bags of candy will be confiscated and returned to students after school.


World Language Trips, W3EdNet, Website 101


Spirit Week, Panorama Survey, Community Shred Day