Mental Health Counseling and Support, ANET, Panorama, and more…
Principal’s Message
Good afternoon,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful autumn day!
The COVID-19 pandemic and America's wakening to racism have presented many challenges to students, educators, and families. The impact of these challenges is being manifested in schools throughout the country. As our students continue to re-learn social norms and coping skills, we have experienced a higher-than-normal number of students who are experiencing social-emotional concerns and displaying unacceptable behaviors.
Our priority is the safety and well-being of all our students and staff. As we continue to grow and heal as a school community, we will reinforce Social-Emotional Learning and Restorative Practices and leverage a Multi-tiered System of Support. During the next two weeks, we will meet with our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to hear their thoughts and recommendations for supporting a safe and positive school climate.
Families are encouraged to complete the DCPS Referral Form for Student Mental Health and Counseling Support or contact our grade-level counselors or social workers if their child needs support.
6th Grade
Counselor -
Social Worker -
7th Grade
Counselor -
Social Worker -
8th Grade
Counselor -
Social Worker -
School Psychologist -
Social-Emotional Learning @ Deal This Week
During Period 6 on Monday, students will continue reviewing strategies for responsible decision-making and the DCPS Tier 2 Behaviors and their consequences.
DCPS Tier 2 Behaviors
Using computer/office equipment without permission
Intentional Misuse of School Equipment/Supplies/Facilities
Unauthorized use of portable electronic devices during school hours
Non-compliance with approved dress code/uniform policy
Leaving classroom without permission
Unexcused absence from class
Unauthorized presence in hallway during class time
Unexcused absence from school
Inappropriate or disruptive physical contact between students
Directing profanity or obscene/offensive gestures toward staff
Throwing objects that may cause injury or damage to property
Any behavior or other conduct not specifically enumerated in any other tier in this chapter that causes disruption to the academic environment involves damage to school property, or may cause minor harm to self or others
Documented Pattern of Persistent Tier I Behavior
Disciplinary Responses to Tier 2 Behaviors
Verbal redirection or reprimand
Teacher/student or administrator/student conference
Parental contact in writing or by phone
Administrator/family conference
Temporary Removal of Student from Classroom
Behavior Contract
In-School Disciplinary Action
ANet ELA Assessment
Sixth, seventh, and eighth graders will participate in the ANet ELA assessment this week in English class. ANet is an interim used to assess students’ progress towards mastery of the standards from the past unit of instruction. Teachers use the data from ANet to gauge student progress and inform instruction.
Panorama Survey
All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will take the Panorama Student Survey during the week of October 25. The survey will help us understand what our students think about their school experiences and their social-emotional learning. Your child's grades will not be affected by their responses. Additionally, your child is not required to participate, but the feedback would be very valuable.
As in previous years, the anonymous survey asks students in grades 6 - 12 about their gender and gender identity. These questions help DCPS promote equitable treatment for all students in accordance with the Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Policy Guidance. They are entirely voluntary, and students who are not comfortable answering can skip them. If you have any questions regarding the Panorama Student Survey or if you would like to see the survey questions, please visit
High School Planning
High School application season is upon us! In the coming weeks, we will be providing 8th-grade families with key dates and information to assist with high school planning. This will include a virtual High School Night hosted by Deal to help families navigate through the application process and learn more about DCPS application high schools. In the meantime, if you have private school transcript requests, please submit your request to
ADMS Speech and Debate Team
This weekend the nationally recognized ADMS speech and debate team started their competitive debate season off with our second-year debaters attending a high school tournament sponsored by the Washington-Arlington Catholic Forensics League. Our debaters competed in the Lincoln-Douglas debate division with 168 students from 24 schools in Maryland, DC, and Virginia.
Zoe Becker: 2nd place, 1st Speaker in the Junior Varsity division
Will Nichols: 3-1 record, 10th place, 7th speaker in the Novice division
Max Tatton: 3-1 record, 18th place in the Novice division
Eleanor Brosowsky: 3rd place speaker in the Novice division
Jessie Moss: 11th place speaker in the Novice division
Special thanks to the parents who volunteered to judge during Saturday’s tournament!
Outdoor Lunch on Inclement Weather Days
Students who would like to eat outdoors on inclement weather days should see Ms. Neal at the beginning of their lunch period.
Supporting Deal Students
Through the support of the ADCA, we will continue providing winter coats and Thanksgiving baskets to Deal families who are in need.
Term 1 Ends on Thursday, November 4
We have two weeks remaining in Term 1. Please remind your student to complete any missing assignments and contact their teachers for support if needed.
Here we HEAL!
Save the Dates - Virtual Open Houses and Winter School Tours
We will host three Virtual Open Houses from 6:30 until 7:30 pm on the following dates:
Tuesday, November 16
Tuesday, December 14
Tuesday, January 11
The two Winter School Tours will take place on Saturday, December 4 (10:00 am - 12:00 noon) and Saturday, February 5 (10:00 am - 12:00 noon).