Father’s Day and More
Principal's Message
Today, we celebrate Father’s Day! Thank you to all fathers and father figures for your love, wisdom, and support. Enjoy your day!
Enrollment for SY 21 - 22
Please be sure to complete the online enrollment process here to support our ability to plan effectively for SY 21-22. Blackboard is one of our primary platforms for communicating with families. Please do not opt-out of receiving Blackboard announcements.
Device Return
Sixth and seventh grade students who are not participating in summer programming should plan to return their borrowed devices (Surface Pro Go and/or T-Mobile Hotspot) to Deal no later than July 2, 2021. Please direct all questions to Ms. Chambliss.
Final Week of School
The final due date for all assignments is Thursday, June 24. Teachers are required to submit grades on Friday, June 25, therefore no extensions will be permitted.
Monday, June 21 | A-Day
Tuesday, June 22 | B-Day
Wednesday, June 23 | Wednesday Schedule
Thursday, June 24 | See Schedule Below
A-1 | 9:00 - 9:20
A-2 | 9:25 - 9:45
A-3 | 9:50 - 10:10
A-4 | 10:15 - 10:35
B-1 | 10:40 - 11:00
B-2 | 11:05 - 11:25
B-3 | 11:30 - 11:50
Recess for IPL Students (6th/7th Grade) | 11:55-12:45
School Walkthrough and In-Person Enrollment | June 26
We were so excited to welcome over 200 families during Wednesday's Walkthrough. We will host another Walkthrough/In-Person Enrollment Day on Saturday, June 26 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. There will be a Q&A session with Principal Neal at 10:30 am and 11:30 am. Please sign up here if you plan to join us.
Tier 2 Math Intervention
Next year, we will continue to offer simultaneous support classes to address gaps in math. We will use End of Year i-Ready data to inform our scheduling decisions for students who are two or more grade levels behind. Intervention will be offered at each grade level, and we will engage in progress monitoring to ensure that students are moving toward mastery.
Fall Sports Season Update
DCPS Athletics is planning for a full return to in-person athletic operations for the fall season of SY 21-22. Tryouts and practices for fall sports teams start on August 2, 2021; details will be outlined through each school and team(s). Completed Student-Athlete Participation Forms are currently being accepted in preparation for the fall sports season.
Today is the longest day of the year by minutes of daylight. Astronomical spring ends and summer begins. This week marks the end of the 2020 - 2021 school year – which, to many, seemed like the longest school year ever! But we made it.
This week we will celebrate the promotion of our 8th graders who have demonstrated steadfastness and perseverance. We love them and are excited about their futures!
Onward and Upward!
Upcoming Events | Próximos Eventos
June 24 | Last Day of School
School Year 21-22 Enrollment
DCPS is excited to open enrollment to our families and welcome new students to our community! This year enrollment will be done online at enrolldcps.dc.gov. Please click on the following link to complete the online application and upload proof of residency. If you have any questions please email dealmsenroll@k12.dc.gov.
Wilson High School Coding Camp
Wilson High School is running a free 2-week SUMMER CODING CAMP for incoming freshmen. The camp runs from August 2nd - 13th, Monday - Friday from 10:00am - 3:00pm. The camp is free of cost (a DCPS iPad will be provided for the duration of the camp) and the program is hosted virtually. The deadline to apply is Friday, June 25th (or until full).
QUESTIONS? Email us:
Qi Guo: qi.guo@k12.dc.gov
Nathalya Ramirez: Ibet.Ramirez-Urrea@k12.dc.gov
Sign-Up Form: Apply here.
DCPS Health Enrollment Requirements
All students must have an Universal Health Certificate and Oral Health Assessment on file annually. If you have not submitted your child certificates please submit them to dealmsenroll@k12.dc.gov.
Please do not leave this requirement outstanding as these forms allow our school nurse to anticipate and prepare for the health needs of all of our students. Health forms can be downloaded from the DCPS Enrollment website. Parents who would like to opt of of the HPV vaccination please click on the following link.
District law requires schools to verify student compliance with school immunization requirements as part of enrollment. Beginning with SY20-21, all public and public charter schools in DC are required to implement the immunization policy, even though students will not be removed from virtual learning.
If a student is non-compliant at the end of the 20 school-day immunization compliance period (October 15, 2020), the student will not be able to participate in any in-person learning opportunities until the necessary immunization documentation is received.
Need health insurance or dental insurance? You may qualify for Medicaid or subsidized health insurance. Visit https://dchealthlink.com for more information.
Requisitos de inscripción de salud de DCPS
Todos los estudiantes deben tener un Certificado universal de salud y una evaluación de salud bucal en el archivo anualmente. Si no ha presentado sus certificados para niños, envíelos a dealmsenroll@k12.dc.gov.
Por favor, no deje este requisito pendiente, ya que estos formularios permiten a nuestra enfermera escolar anticiparse y prepararse para las necesidades de salud de todos nuestros estudiantes. Los formularios de salud se pueden descargar desde el sitio web de inscripción de DCPS.
La ley del distrito requiere que las escuelas verifiquen el cumplimiento de los requisitos de inmunización escolar como parte de la inscripción. A partir de SY20-21, todas las escuelas públicas y públicas chárter en DC están obligadas a implementar la política de inmunización, a pesar de que los estudiantes no serán eliminados del aprendizaje virtual.
Si un estudiante no cumple con las normas al final del período de cumplimiento de la inmunización de 20 días escolares (15 de octubre de 2020), el estudiante no podrá participar en ninguna oportunidad de aprendizaje en persona hasta que se reciba la documentación de inmunización necesaria.
¿Necesita seguro médico o seguro dental? Usted puede calificar para Medicaid o seguro médico subsidiado. Visite https://dchealthlink.com para obtener más información.
Please click your student's team name to view this week's newsletter.
Please click your student's team name to view this week's newsletter.
Please click your student's team name to view this week's newsletter.
Please click the links below for off-team newsletters.
8th Grade Updates
Promotion week is here and we couldn't be more excited to celebrate our wonderful 8th grade class! This year's promotion celebrations balance fun and safety, representing the creative, thoughtful work of our staff, teachers, ADCA, and student advisors. Thank you to everyone who made these celebrations possible!
Last Week of School Schedule
The last week's schedule has been adjusted to accommodate promotion celebrations and ensure students attend every class at least once during the last week. Attendance in virtual class the last week is required and will be tracked by teachers. No in-person learning will take place for 8th graders during the last week and all classes will be virtual.
See below for next week's virtual schedule:
Monday (6/21)
Huddle - 9:00 to 9:30
A1 - 9:35 to 10:20
A2 - 10:55 to 11:40
*8th Grade Gathering from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.
Tuesday (6/22)
Accra & Disko will not have virtual class 6/22.
Gogogogo, Kobe, & Port au Prince will attend:
B2 - 10:55 to 11:40
B3 - 12:55 to 1:40
Wednesday (6/23)
Gogogogo, Kobe, & Port au Prince will not have virtual class 6/23.
Accra & Disko will attend:
B2 - 10:55 to 11:40
B3 - 12:55 to 1:40
Thursday (6/24)
A3 - 12:55 to 1:40
A4 - 2:15 to 3:00
*8th Grade Dance from 6-8.
Promotion Events
This year's promotion celebrations will include a combination of in-person and virtual events. Please note that DCPS guidance will require all participants to properly wear an approved mask while on school grounds, maintain social distancing from those outside your household, and participate in a health screening before entering the events.
8th Grade In-Person Gathering - June 21st from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Deal 8th graders are invited to the front lawn of Deal on Monday, June 21st from 1:00 - 3:00 PM to collect and sign their memory books and participate in fun, outdoor activities. This optional event will allow us to socialize and share memories across teams before promotions start. Please note this event is for Deal 8th graders only. Regardless of vaccination status, attending students are required to socially distance and wear masks. Students must complete a health screening before entering school grounds and may leave once they collect their memory book.
Promotion Ceremonies - June 22nd and June 23rd
Promotion ceremonies for the 8th grade class will take place in-person, outdoors, on the Deal Middle School field between June 22nd and June 23rd. Students will be allowed a maximum of three guests and students will sit with their household. Student attire should be "dressy" with dresses, ties, and dress shoes encouraged, but not required. All attendees, regardless of vaccination status, will participate in a brief health screening and must agree to wear a mask at all times. For family and friends who cannot attend the live ceremony, the event will be streamed live and recorded for later viewing.
Ceremonies will take place by team at the following times:
Accra - June 22nd from 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Disko - June 22nd from 4:00 - 5:00 PM
Gogogogo - June 23rd from 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Kobe - June 23rd from 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Port au Prince - June 23rd from 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Promotion Details - Before arriving at promotion, please be aware of the following important details:
Complete Health Screening - To avoid waiting in line, all families must complete this health screening form before arriving at Deal. Please complete the form prior to arrival.
Masks Required - Per DC guidelines, masks are required on all school grounds. By attending Deal's promotion, you agree to properly wear an approved mask at all times. If you are unable to wear a mask, please plan to watch the promotion from our online stream.
Venue and Weather - Promotion is an outdoor event and no tents will be available. Please check the forecast and be prepared to be outside for at least an hour. In the event of lightning or heavy rain, promotion events may move to Thursday, June 24.
Seating - Seats will be placed in clusters of 4 for each household. Students will sit with their family and do not need to arrive early.
Limited Parking - Parking at Deal will be very limited. Please plan to walk or use public transportation if you are able.
Tickets - Families will not be given physical tickets to this year's promotion, but will be asked to check in upon arrival. Please do not check in until all household members are present.
NJHS - If your student was a part of NJHS in 7th or 8th grade, ribbons will be available for collection at the promotion ceremonies.
Memory Books and Promotion Signs - Memory books and promotion signs will be available for any families who have not yet collected them.
Live Streaming - Links for the live promotion stream will be shared early next week and will be visible on Wilson's YouTube page.
Virtual 8th Grade Dance - June 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM
This year's 8th grade dance will be virtual and streamed live online. We hope this option will give families the flexibility to celebrate students in the manner that best fits your style and comfort level. Whether you invite friends to dress up and watch together or stream on your phone while you make dinner, our DJ will get you moving and grooving as we reminisce and celebrate all we've accomplished. To join the dance, students must log in to their Teams account before clicking this link for the virtual dance.
8th Grade Device Collection (Due June 23)
Eighth Grade students who have DCPS-issued laptops and hotspots will return their devices on Monday, June 21 through Wednesday, June 23. Students will return their devices to Ms. Chambliss. Students may return their device at the 8th grade gathering (6/21 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm) or any of the promotion ceremonies on 6/22 or 6/23. Please reach out to Naima.Chambliss@k12.dc.gov with any questions about returning DCPS devices.
Promotion Dues (Extended to June 23)
For families who are able, we ask 8th grade families to contribute $35 for 8th grade dues and $10 for the 8th grade memory book. These dues will help cover a portion of the cost of these events and families who need assistance will be covered. Regardless of payment, all promoting 8th grade students may attend all promotion celebrations and will receive a memory book.
Link to pay promotion dues ($35): Pay Promotion Dues Here
Link to purchase memory book ($10): Purchase Memory Book Here
If you need assistance making a payment, volunteers will be present at promotion to help.
We look forward to celebrating our promoting class! If you have questions or needs, please contact 8th grade assistant principal Patrick.Rottman@k12.dc.gov.
The Club Created a NEW World.......
World Builders Club Presentation on Monday, June 21st at 6:00 pm
How the world was created.....
Structure of the Dimensions.....
Geography, Magic, History, Society & Culture and Technology.......
Link here.
Sharon.vollin@k12.dc.gov or Neal.Downing@k12.dc.gov for more information.
ADMS Virtual Library Media Center
We're making every effort to ensure that just because you're not in the building during the Covid-19 crisis, you'll still have access to a rich array of databases, ebooks and other on-line resources that will be available to you at home. All are available regardless of your device-type or operating system - be it a smartphone, tablet or computer. Check out the vast resources, events, and activities put together by Deal's librarian, Ms. Vollin, here.
Parent and Student Information | June 20, 2021
Last Week of School Immunizations Drawing
Any current Deal student who submits his/her/their updated immunization records to Dealmsenroll@k12.dc.us this week will be entered into a drawing to receive a gift card. Help us make sure all students immunizations are up to date before the start of next school year!
Deal Swim Team
Are you interested in swimming on the Deal swim team next year during the winter athletic season? Please send an email to dealswimming@k12.dc.gov to let Coach Helsabeck know! There will not be tryouts to join the team, but space will be limited by how much lane space we get. Emailing coach Helsabeck does not secure your spot on the team, but it does get you on the list to receive information about the season as it becomes available.
Over the summer, you can complete the electronic participation forms for DCIAA, which needs to be completed every school year.
If you’re interested in summer swimming opportunities, you can check out the DC Parks and Recreation swim teams page. The DC Wave web link on the DPR website is broken, but you can access it by clicking here. You can also check out the DC YMCA website for information about swim lessons.
Child Trends Survey
Child Trends, a nonprofit research organization has been contracted by the Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) to learn about school behavioral health (SBH) services and supports at all public and public charter schools in DC. The information that is collected will help DBH make decisions about school behavioral health priorities and the allocation of resources.
Links to the Survey:
Staff: http://s.alchemer.com/s3/Strengthening-Schools-Staff-Survey
Students (in English, Spanish, Amharic): http://s.alchemer.com/s3/Strengthening-Schools-Citywide-Youth-Survey
Parents/caregivers (in English, Spanish, Amharic): http://s.alchemer.com/s3/Strengthening-Schools-Citywide-Family-Member-Survey
Ultimate Frisbee Lunch-Time Throw Around!
Every Monday starting May 3, interested students are invited to a frisbee toss on the Deal field from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm. All experience levels are welcome! We will meet on the Deal field at the end of period A2. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Martini at michael.martini@k12.dc.gov.
Please note that 7th & 8th-grade students are still expected to attend A3 classes starting at 12:55 pm.
Shout out to Mr. Martini for sponsoring this activity!
DC One Card
The DC One Card is a consolidated credential designed to give students access to DC government facilities and programs, including public schools, recreation centers and libraries. It is no longer used to ride Metro. Please complete the attached form if you need a replacement DC One Card. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Athletics Update
Preseason conditioning:
Workouts are tentatively scheduled to start District-wide beginning Monday, March 22nd, contingent upon coach availability and athlete clearance. If your student is interested in participating in spring sports at Deal, please email their respective team's coach (listed below) to indicate such interest. If you have already submitted the electronic eligibility forms via Seamless Docs, please note that in your email, so your child's file can be pulled from the system. If you have not submitted documents for your child, please do so ASAP using this link.
Immunization requirement (new this season):
In addition to the standard health certification required for athletic participation, your child must be fully immunized and that form must be on file with the school nurse at Deal.
Spring sports coaches:
Coed outdoor track and field - Jasmine VanStory: jasmine.vanstory@k12.dc.gov
Baseball - Marlon Mitchell: marlon12.mitchell@gmail.com
Softball - Kelsey Curran: kelsey.curran@k12.dc.gov
Boys Lacrosse - Ryan Jones: ryan.jones.lax@gmail.com
Girls Lacrosse - darieal.wimbley@k12.dc.gov
As always, we appreciate your patience with this evolving situation. Please be on the lookout for additional information in the coming days.
Aspen News
For support with Aspen, please contact DealAspenHelp@k12.dc.gov.
SY 20-21 Free and Reduced-priced Meals (FARM) Application
Parents, please complete the 20-21 FARM application even if you decline the service. We need an application on file for every student. You can complete the application here.
Join the Universal World Builder's Club
Tuesdays at 2:15 pm!! We had a great 1st meeting...but you can still join us - Just click the link below!!
Is your student a rising author? The Universal World Builders Club will teach students how to explore the components of how to create their very own fantasy, science fiction & futuristic worlds from pure imagination coupled with the study of cultures, history, science math, language, races, geography, religion, flora & fauna, music, and art. It will be a lot of FUN! The culminating project will be to end this school year with the creation of a new world.
Please use this link to join the club at 2:15 pm. Email Ms. Vollin at sharon.vollin@k12.dc.gov for more details!!
Online Wrestling Clinic
Here are some important reminders about "Wrestling Wednesdays" (formerly known as Throwdown Thursdays).
Here is the recurring zoom link for "Wrestling Wednesdays."
Interested students should complete the Google form.
Please get the word out, and share it with any and all people in your community that you think may be interested in attending.
Here is the calendar invite if you want to add the event!
7th Grade Wednesday Fun and Team Building Time
School involves more than learning how to write a five paragraph essay, solving math problems, or even learning a new language. It also should include opportunities for students to participate in fun activities that promote school spirit and healthy competition. Beginning this Wednesday, October 21st, 7th grade teams will spend time engaging in interactive and fun activities with each other. These sessions will take place every Wednesday with Dean Baxter. To join your team on Wednesdays, please log in to Canvas, click on Mr. Moore’s MS Study Block A(4) homepage, and click the meeting link for your team.
Please see the meeting times below for your team:
Team Name, Team Fun Time
Cordoba, 9:10 – 9:30
Sparta, 9:40 – 10:00
Obama, 10:10 – 10:30
Chihuahua, 10:40 – 11:00
Seoul, 11:10 – 11:30
Virtual Office Drop in Hours with the 7th Grade Counselor
Virtual Office Drop in Hours with the 7th Grade Counselor occurs every Thursday from 2:00-2:30 during Term 3. Use the link below for access.
+1 202-539-1291 United States, Washington DC (Toll)
Conference ID: 844 887 321#
Coding Club
Interested in getting ahead in our new digital reality? Look no further than Coding Club! You will have a chance to learn about innovative coding techniques (primarily Python) through the CodeHS application with the help of a professional coder! Please join us on Fridays from 2:15-3pm on Teams. Use the following link to sign up for coding and be invited on Teams for this upcoming Friday.
GeoPlunge Club
How well do you know the 50 states? Join GeoPlunge to learn geography while playing this exciting card game! To sign up, complete the interest survey here. For information, reach out to Mr. Martini at Michael.Martini@k12.dc.gov.
Honored Schools
Alice Deal’s great teachers deserve to be recognized! We’re proud to partner with Honored Schools again this year to do just that! Go to HonoredSchools.org to tell Alice Deal teachers how they’ve made a difference. They’ll get an email with your recognition story and we’ll celebrate them! Each recognition will serve as a nomination for the Life-Changing Teacher Award and a $5,000 cash award!
High School Series
Thank you to all who attended Deal's first High School Series. A link to each recorded session is listed below.
Recorded Sessions:
DCPS Visit on High School Applications (Recorded on 11/17): Link to Recorded Session
Duke Ellington (Recorded 11/24): Link to Recorded Session
Bard HS Early College (Recorded 12/1): Link to Recorded Session
School Without Walls (Recorded 12/4): Link to Recorded Session
Coolidge (Recorded 12/8): Link to Recorded Session
Banneker (Recorded 12/11): Link to Recorded Session
McKinley Tech (Recorded 12/15): Link to Recorded Session
Wilson HS (Recorded 1/15): Link to Recorded Session
LSAT Updates
The LSAT is a group of elected and appointed members, including
parents, teachers, non-instructional school staff, and a community member that advises the principal on matters of policy, strategy, curriculum, budget, goals and priorities for the school. The meetings, with the exception of meetings concerning the budget, are open to the school community. For more information, please visit https://www.alicedealmiddleschool.org/lsat or contact Gwen Washington at gwenmcdo@yahoo.com.
Here is this week's Alice Deal Community Association update. Feel free to contact the ADCA with questions and comments at ADCAPresident@gmail.com.
Please enroll your child as soon as possible!
· This year, electronic enrollment is available
· You DO NOT need medical forms to enroll.
· It takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
· Enrolling now makes it much easier for Ms. Neal to plan, make student schedules, and get subject teachers Deal wants.
· Click here to find out what info to have ready.
· Click here to go directly to the electronic form.
· Rules about proof of residency are available here.
Do your part to help Deal meet its enrollment benchmark!
Volunteers Needed: make Class of 2021 promotion a success
We have FIVE ceremonies planned over two days:
Tuesday, June 22 and Wednesday June 23.
To make it happen we need volunteers!
· We welcome families from all grade levels (6th, 7th, & 8th) to volunteer in support of these promotion activities.
· If you are an 8th grade family: please enjoy your promotion ceremony but consider assisting during another team's ceremony.
· Student volunteers MUST be accompanied by an adult, so signup for 2 spots and plan to volunteer alongside your student.
Girls Who Code (GWC) is Coming to ADMS SY21-22
Girls Who Code (GWC) is a nonprofit organization which aims to support and increase the number of women in computer science by equipping young women with the necessary computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.
Girls Who Code values diversity, equity and inclusion as essential to their mission, with a focus on young women who are historically underrepresented in computer science fields.
Alice Deal Middle School is starting a Girls Who Code chapter in the fall of 2021!
The club will provide ADMS 6th, 7th & 8th grade girls with a sisterhood of supportive peers and role models, and an opportunity to use their skills and build their confidence to positively impact their community.
Teach participants about Computer Science (CS) in a fun, safe, non-threatening environment (virtual included).
No coding experience is required and all are welcome. Beginners are encouraged to join.
For more information or to volunteer send an email to Scott Stuart at
SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE premieres online on June 18!
A pop culture phenomenon comes to life! The Emmy Award-winning 1970s Saturday morning cartoon series that taught history, grammar and math through song is coming to Deal!
· Our wonderful cast of 6th, 7th and 8th graders met online to learn songs and choreography and then came together both online and in person outdoors to create a video production that will light up your living room.
· Sing along to "Conjunction Junction" and "Interplanet Janet" when you buy a ticket at this link: https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/54590. Video will be available on demand for two weeks, until July 2.
Did you know Broad Branch Market (5608 Broad Branch Rd. NW) has generously donated food, coffee and more to our teachers and volunteers for years? Please support this generous establishment not too far from Alice Deal. You'll be amazed by all they offer.
Thank You to our Generous Auction Sponsors!!!
Thank you for all you do to support ADMS!
Nelson Jacobsen and Sam Washington, 2020-2021 ADCA Co-Presidents
Community Information
(Items in this section are not sponsored by Deal)
Ultimate Frisbee
Looking for some outdoor frisbee fun this summer? We’ve got you covered. Created by Team USA ultimate frisbee player Rowan McDonnell in 2017, American Ultimate Academy provides professionally-approved frisbee clinics to teach your kids all the skills they’ll need as developing athletes, teammates, and collaborators. AUA is also thrilled to offer a series of Middle School HAT tournaments around the DMV! Click here to see their full array of offerings in Arlington and Montgomery County. Please sign up for any and all programs that are suitable for your child. Beginners welcome! Get ready for some summer fun!
AUA also offers small group training rates. If interested, reach out to AUAcamps@gmail.com.
The DC Independent Film Festival Summer Program
The DC Independent Film Festival two week summer program
For adolescents aged 14 to 18.
August 9th-19th with a final screening Saturday August 21st
4:30-7:30pm Weekdays and one full weekend production day.
Click here to learn more about this great opportunity in-person, hands-on studio.
Virtual Model UN Camp
This summer, I am excited to introduce you to a virtual Model UN Camp for rising 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. This camp will be taught by delegates from TJ and Langley High School, all of whom have been in Model UN for 3+ years.
· The camp is a 5-day program from 12-2:30 that gives an overview of Model UN. No previous Model UN experience is necessary. First and foremost, the camp is designed to enhance students' public speaking, leadership, and diplomatic skills. The program also includes specific details into strategies, skills, and tips for becoming a better Model UN delegate. The camp is completely virtual and lessons will be split between presentations and group activities.
· There are two quick and easy steps necessary to register for the camp.
1. Fill out this form https://form.jotform.com/211543517069152 by June 20. In the form, we will try our best to give everyone their preferred week as we create balanced camp cohorts. Please make sure to indicate in the form if there is a week you cannot attend.
2. Camp fee is $150. Payments will be accepted either through Venmo (@nedimozden) or mailing a check to 8114 Touchstone Terrace, McLean VA (all checks should be made payable to Nedim Ozden, who is the director of the camp). Any questions regarding payments and fees should be directed to Nedim Ozden (nedimozden11@gmail.com).
We hope to see many Deal students at the camp.
Thank you.
Faris & Teddy Summer Soccer Camp: Soccer Fun!
NOTE: Registration closes June 13. Register today to ensure your spot!
We are rising 10th graders at Wilson and Basis (and Teddy is a Deal alum) who love the sport of soccer. We have received official training as soccer referees, play travel and rec soccer, and have spent many summers working with DC kids on their soccer skills in summer soccer camps. Click here to register.
Age group: 6-12 (separated by age groups)
Cost: $125 per week, or $30 for a day.
June 28 - July 2
July 26 - 30
Aug 2 - 6
Aug 16 - 20
TIme: 9 - 12
Location: Carter Barron field, Rock Creek Park, 4850 Colorado Ave NW
Additional registration information: All participants will be required to fill out forms for waiver of liability and health information.
Contact information: fandtsoccer@gmail.com
Phone: 202-823-2543
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns! We love to hear from our community.
Wilson and Deal Squash Team
We would like to announce a special event. SAVE THE DATE JUNE 26 Saturday 10 – 3pm – The Wilson Squash team and coaches invite you to find out about the Wilson and DEAL SQUASH program, and meet the coaches and some of the team. Wilson has a robust Squash team which play in leagues with other schools. Former Squash players have continued to play squash at Harvard, UPenn, Dartmouth, William & Marty and others and Squash has helped in the recruitment process. Where most sports have many, many students playing, squash is limited in players and offers a better chance to assist with applications, we can help guide you and your child through the process. We offer limited free clinic spots for parents and children at 10am, 11am and 12 noon. There is no cost but registration is essential. See some program details at
Summer squash training includes camps all Summer long. See camp details https://aussienicksquash.com/squash-camps/ Scholarships are available
DC Independent Film Festival Summer Program
The DC Independent Film Festival two week summer program
For adolescents aged 14 to 18.
August 9th-19th with a final screening Saturday August 21st
4:30-7:30pm Weekdays and one full weekend production day.
Click here to learn more about this great opportunity in-person, hands-on studio.
STA Basketball Skills Academy
Rising 7th – 9th grade boys
STA Basketball Skills Academy: Session 1 (June 21 – 25); Session 2 (June 28- July 2)
Time: 9:00 am–3:00 pm
Cost: $225 per week
The STA Basketball Skills Academy is an instructional basketball camp for rising 7th-9th grade boys. Each day participants will focus and work on 2 fundamental skills and will play at least 3 games to develop their skills. Please visit the following link.
Located in Washington, D.C., St. Albans Summer Programs – a combined summer camp and summer school for area and out-of-town boys and girls in grades Pre-K through 12 – provides half- and full-day academic and art classes and athletic camps for football, golf, rowing, swimming, and tennis at state-of-the-art athletic facilities.
summer.stalbansschool.org for additional information and to register.
*Each participant will be required to wear a face mask.
Interested in Playing Field Hockey at Wilson?
Any rising 9th grade girls who will be attending Wilson this fall and would like to try out for the field hockey team in August are invited to attend our pre-season interest meeting on Monday, June 21, from 5:00 - 6:00, place to be determined. At this meeting you can meet coaches and players, learn about summer conditioning, camps, equipment, fees, and parent volunteer opportunities. If you would like to attend and/or learn more, please email Coach Sarah Whitener, at mdwhitener@aol.com.
Summer Coding Camp
Wilson High School is running a free 2-week SUMMER CODING CAMP for incoming freshmen. The camp runs from August 2nd-13th, Monday-Friday from 10:00am - 3:00pm. The camp is free of cost (a DCPS iPad will be provided for the duration of the camp) and the program is hosted virtually. The deadline to apply is Friday, June 25th (or until full).
QUESTIONS? Email us:
Qi Guo: qi.guo@k12.dc.gov
Nathalya Ramirez: Ibet.Ramirez-Urrea@k12.dc.gov
Sign-Up Form
APPLY: https://forms.office.com/r/pC9rNB9sU1
DeMatha Catholic High School Soccer Camp
Summer soccer camps are back! Registration for summer soccer camps for boys and girls ages 6-15 is now open!
Summer Math & Academic Writing Acceleration Available
Chevy Chase Prep coaches students through successful high school transitions all year around. We have extensive Deal experience with math acceleration, academic writing, test preparation, and competitive high school admissions. Local references attest to students' confidence and performance, as well as to our overall expertise.
-- Offer individual tutoring in math and academic writing to motivated students. Our summer students normally advance a year or more on standardized tests.
-- Coach the ISEE/SSAT, and HSPT. We boast a 95-plus percent record with first-choice high school placements.
-- Deliver in the COVID-19 environment. Earlier we launched successful global learning initiatives at Georgetown and Harvard Universities.
-- Are lifelong NWDC neighbors and 100 percent woman-owned.
Please visit us on the web at chevychaseprep.com; email us at chevychaseprep@gmail.com.
Friends of Holy Child Summer Information
This summer, Holy Child will offer enrichment programs for rising 4th through 8th grade students. Attendees do not need to be incoming or currently enrolled Holy Child students to participate. All young women interested in arts, athletics, and theater are encouraged to attend. Please click Here to sign up.
Two Great Youth Soccer Opportunities
The DC Youth Futbol Club (DCYFC) is a non-profit youth soccer organization based in Washington DC with more than 45 countries represented in the club. While Spring 2021 continues to be a challenging season with remaining apprehension about youth sports participation due to Covid, DCYFC is moving forward with two events in addition to its current Spring 2021 program offerings. We are conducting Fall 2021 tryouts for numerous Girls and Boys Select/Premier Travel Teams for ages 8-17. Further information can be obtained at www.DCYouthFutbolClub.org or contacting Joao@DCYouthFutbolClub.org. Nearer term, First Touch Soccer is planning many summer camp weeks beginning June 21 and continuing through the end of August. Additional information and registration available at www.FirstTouchSoccer.org.
Wilson HS PTSO
We at the Wilson HS PTSO are beginning the process to recruit new folks to the Wilson HS PTSO.
1. If you know of any individuals from Deal who have a student headed to Wilson next year and they are interested in participating on the PTSO - please have them reach out. We really would like to get incoming 9th grade parents involved!
2. Calling all Rising 9th Grade future Wilson HS parents - If your scholar is headed to Wilson and you are interested in serving on the Wilson HS Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) - please reach out to Wilson PTSO Co-Presidents Amy Hall hall.amy50@yahoo.com and Kesha Lloyd Lee kesha441@gmail.com. There are many opportunities to participate! More information on the Wilson PTSO can be found here.
Virtual Workshops on Saving for Higher Education Expenses
DC 529 offering Virtual Workshops on Saving for Higher Education Expenses.
If interested, please register for one of the upcoming events. And please, blast the email to family, friends plus co-workers & stakeholders if you can.
What: Webinar about DC College Savings Plan – DC’s 529 plan
· Did you know that savings in a 529 plan can be used to pay for costs other than tuition? In addition to tuition, you can also use your savings to pay for room & board, books, fees, computers etc.
· Save for anyone – You can save for yourself, your child, your grandchild, your nieces/nephews.
How: Click HERE to register for an upcoming Webinar about DC College Savings Plan – DC’s 529 plan and learn how you can save directly from your paycheck!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The Virtual Sessions will be available on Tuesday’s at 4PM. Please choose a date best for your calendar.
*Please note that by registering for this webinar, you may receive email communications in the future from DC College Savings Plan. You may unsubscribe from such email communications at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email communications.
Lasagna Love is helping families in the entire DMV. We’re a group of local volunteers who are happy to provide a free meal to families. It’s a free meal, made with love, no strings attached. If your family needs a meal, or you know a family that does, it only takes a moment to request through our website https://www.lasagnalove.org/
DC Office of the Student Advocate – Request for Assistance Line
The Office of the Student Advocate is here to guide and support students and their families trying to navigate the complex DC public education system. We continue to operate our Request for Assistance (RFA) line as a "311" system for public education. We answer the line LIVE Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. We encourage your families to contact us at (202) 741-4692 for resources, referrals, and one-on-one coaching on all public education issues.
In addition to offering direct support to families, we provide workshops on various educational topics, and we facilitate community-centered discussions. We would also like to highlight several resources our office has produced including our Dyslexia Guidebook, our Don't Mute Mental Health podcast series, and our Parent & Family Go-To Guide.
If you or your families ever need assistance navigating DC Public Education, we are here to help! Let us know if you would like to learn more about the services our office can provide the students and families that you serve.
The OSA Team
Office of the Student Advocate
State Board of Education | District of Columbia
202.741.4692 (intake line)
Community Service
8th grade students can begin accruing up to 25 hours of community service (which can be applied to high school). Please see the following link for virtual community service opportunities: https://bit.ly/DCPS_VCSH
Project Athlete Training
Project Athlete offers personal and small group training to middle and high school student-athletes in DC. We currently have group training at the field at Jelleff Rec Center on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 4:30pm and Saturdays at 11am. If you are interested in learning more please email Joe Barlia at joe@projectatheletedc.com and visit https://www.projectathletedc.com/.
Boy Scout Troop 90 Welcomes Alice Deal Students!
All boys eleven or older are invited to join Boy Scout Troop 90 at Blessed Sacrament School. Scouting gives young people the opportunity to explore a world beyond the boundaries of everyday life. You get to try new things, develop friendships, provide service to others, build self-confidence, and develop leadership skills. And have fun while doing it! Our troop meetings are Wednesday nights from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm. While we are meeting virtually for now, we will continue to hold monthly socially distant outdoor activities such as virtual campouts, hikes, and kayaking. Last spring our scouts were enthusiastic participants in the virtual meetings earning merit badges, practicing scout skills, and celebrating with an end-of-the-year court of honor. Other Troop 90 activities have included learning first aid, emergency preparedness, wilderness survival and other merit badges, rock climbing at Seneca Rocks, caving at Whitings Neck, fishing in the Chesapeake Bay, camping in Gettysburg National Military Park, backpacking in Philmont Scout Reservation in New Mexico, ski/snowboard trips to Wisp, performing community service projects, and others. We have scouts from Alice Deal Middle School and other schools throughout the area. Please check it out. No obligation! No scouting experience necessary. For any questions please contact Keith Morrison at (202) 236-1624 or kmorrison@vsadc.com. You can also see our website at troop90dc.org which was created and is updated by the scouts.
Interested in After-School Yoga?
Past Tense offers YAY: Young Adult Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15-5:15 pm starting September 8 and 10. This virtual class provides a non-competitive environment for students to explore poses, breathing exercises, movement games, mindfulness activities and much-needed relaxation techniques. Students learn techniques for concentrating, reducing stress, and connecting to their bodies in a loving way, while still being playful and fun. Classes often revolve around a philosophical theme and may include discussion, journaling, or mindful art. Students are welcome to drop in and try the class out. And, the studio offers a BOGO pass – Buy One, Give One – in which the studio matches each purchased pass with a donated one to make it accessible to any kid who wants to participate. Apply for a BOGO pass here.
If you have any questions, please email us at info@pasttensestudio.com.
Harmonic Music Studios – Virtual Lessons
One-on-One Private Music Lessons for ages 5 and up. Beginners are welcome.
Lessons offered: Voice, Ukulele, Piano, Harp, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Violin, Viola, Cello, Upright Bass, Recorder, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, Tuba, Euphonium, Accordion, and Drums
Schedule: Mondays to Fridays, 12 pm to 6 pm
Pricing: 30-minute lessons for $40 and 60-minute lessons for $80
For more information go to: www.harmonicmusicstudios.org
If you are interested, please send an email to: info@harmonicmusicstudios.org
Or call: 202-248-8863
Virtual Musical Theater classes this Fall
Musical Theater Performance and Appreciation: Acting through Song for grades 6-12
Come explore different musical productions, themes, and composers. Look at how stories are developed, and different cultures represented. We will take a deep dive into acting through song, exploring techniques used by actors and artistic choices made by production teams. Participants who are interested will have the opportunity to perform and receive feedback. Come learn about the drama behind the curtain and what makes a show a show.
Musical Theater Appreciation for Adults
Do you love Broadway? Dive into musical theater genres, from the Golden Age to the present. How has the art form changed to embrace modern music and cultural norms? What can we look forward to when Broadway resumes in 2021? Will discuss the drama behind the curtain and what makes a show a show.
Classes are taught by Karen Harris. Karen has been teaching, performing and directing musical theater in DC schools for 14 years including past shows at Janney, Deal and Wilson.
For more information go to: