Panorama Opt-Out Form

Twice a year, DCPS asks students in grades 3 and higher to complete a survey about social emotional learning, the Panorama Student Survey, to help DCPS and school administrators, teachers, and staff better understand what students think about their school experiences and their social and emotional learning. Deal students will take the Panorama Survey at school later this month.  The spring 2023 survey will be administered between March 1 and March 31.

If you do NOT want your child to take the Panorama Student Survey this fall, or if you are a student 18 or older and do not want to take the survey, fill out this FORM and contact your grade-level counselor.  Note that the form will be left open through March 10. 

The Panorama Student Survey and the Panorama Student Success platform are valuable parts of DCPS’s work. If you’re considering opting out, we urge you to read about Panorama and review the questions on our website first:


PARCC & DC Science Assessments – Chancellor Ferebee’s Letter to Families


Alice Deal Community Association General Meeting