Model UN Highlights

Congratulations to the Deal MUN students who participated in a mini sim on Saturday about the topic Fast Fashion.  The background guide was written by Deal [MUN] alum, current SWW sophomore, Charlotte Mendelson.  Chairing the committee were 8th graders Zora White and Owen Carpenter.  The 11 delegates ultimately wrote two resolutions, both of which passed.  The participants were:  Vivienne Schell (7th grade), Nadia Kallmer (8th grade), Elina Hart (6th grade), Maya Karson (6th grade), Davidson Miner (8th grade), MaryJane Webb (6th grade), Nora Goldwasser (8th grade), Margherita Gentilini (6th grade), Sadie Bertaina (6th grade), Minh Pham (7th grade).  Awards were presented to:  Davidson Miner for Best Position Paper; Verbal Commendations were awarded to:  MaryJane Webb, Vivienne Schell, and Minh Pham; Honorable Mention went to Nadia Kallmer; Outstanding Delegate went to Margherita Gentilini, and Best Delegate went to Maya Karson.  All delegates did a great job!  Interested in participating in a similar event?  Check out the sign up in Canvas for our April 8 Deal-only mini sim on the Future of UN Peacekeeping in Cyprus.  All are welcome!


March Students of the Month - Balanced


WMATA Update