March Students of the Month - Balanced

This month we celebrate our students who demonstrate the IB Learner Profile trait of balanced. As internationally-minded students, we understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

6th Grade

Team Oaxaca: Deakon Lansden and Lanna McEwen

Havana: Oliver Schneider and Morgan Grate

Pago Pago:  Zivana Vaezy and William (Reynolds) Allen

Positano: Anabel Apfalter and Andrew Becker

Istanbul: coming soon…

 7th Grade

Carthage: Felix Damgaard and Ines Rios Pozas 

Cusco: Noa Raben, Max Greene 

Babylon: Jasmin Humphrey and Charlie Brylawski

Nara: Jackie Searby and Raniag Lebale

Accra: Leighton Millard-Colwell and Ryan Goodstein

 8th Grade

Douala: Gianna Cellini and Joanna Lizas 

Marvel: coming soon…

Hamburg: Luke Straw and Nicole Winkle 

Leon:  Esme Nooruddin and Isaiah Whitfield

Waikikamukau: Marquis Mebane & Jessica Block


Dealapalooza: There are still spots available for the weekend!


Model UN Highlights