IB MYP Self Study- Community Action Required

As an IB MYP school, we go through the evaluation process every 5 years.  In SY22-23, Alice Deal is being evaluated.  The evaluation period culminates with a visit from the International Baccalaureate Organization in the fall of 2023. Through this process, we will reflect on our strengths and areas of growth.  Every school evaluated needs to complete the following survey.  This survey will be used to create realistic and actionable goals for future programmatic growth.  This survey allows all stakeholders to reflect on the implementation of the IB as outlined in the standards and practices for the MYP.  The information is only helpful if it is a realistic reflection, so please answer each question honestly.  #herewegrow

Survey Link: https://forms.office.com/r/W3S8kn7JFq


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