Happy (winter) Friday from the ADCA

We hope you’ve had a good week—the kids are back in school and adjusting well. As we adapt to our ever-changing circumstances, we are all learning how to be a little more patient and kind, and hopefully taking a moment to slow our pace, dig in deep, and find our perseverance. We cannot thank you, the Deal community, enough for your tremendous perseverance and support in 2021 by attending ADCA events, volunteering, and your very generous donations. Our End-of-Year campaign yielded an additional $10,000 towards our donation drive, enabling us to have a strong finish to the calendar year. THANK YOU!!

We look forward to seeing you soon, and working with you as we head into the second half of this school year. 

Please continue to monitor the Deal/ADCA website and weekly communications for announcements. We truly appreciate your support! You can also reach us at any time at adcapresident@gmail.com.



DCPS COVID-19 Updates


MLK Day Volunteer Opportunities from Deal Gives Back