February IB Learner Profile Student of the Month

February’s IB Learner Profile trait is Thinkers. Students use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. Students exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions. Deal celebrates the following students for embodying the trait of Thinkers this month!

6th Grade

  • Porto Alegre: Hari Mahajan and Solaya Rutledge

  • Brisbane: Minh Pham and Syeda Fatima

  • Douala: Annika Kimbrell and Laviva Sargent

  • Lima: Mahlet Denu and Isaac Barnhart

  • Mumbai: Haemen Bruck and David Padgett

7th Grade

  • Meroe: Jonah Levy and Aliyah Omotesa

  • Constantinople: Nebe Okeke and Alex Springer

  • Jericho: Taj Young and Sam Broquard

  • Chan Chan: Joey Clark and Nora Goldwasser

  • Coba: William Tucker and Julia Serebrisky

8th Grade

  • Best: (coming soon!)

  • Wagga: Kahel Mighty and Henry Gilard and Vera Hutchins

  • Luxor: Yasmine Foty and Dale Stenberg

  • Calgary: William Pfaffenroth and Natalie Drew Braaten

  • Quito: Emily Moore and John Bernard V


8th Grade Community Project Fair


Safe Return for February Break