8th Grade Promotion Updates
Our 8th-grade students have accomplished so much this year and we couldn't possibly be prouder of their brilliance, kindness, and strength. This is a truly remarkable class and, while we will be sad to see them go, we look forward to celebrating their promotion to high school with an 8th-grade promotion ceremony and 8th-grade promotion dance.
Promotion Ceremonies
The promotion ceremonies will take place by team at Deal on Thursday, June 23. To ensure this event is as safe as possible, the promotion ceremony will take place outside and each student will be allowed two guests. The event will also be streamed live online for any loved ones who cannot join in person. There will be a $50 promotion fee to cover a portion of the cost of the promotion. There is no dress code, but students are encouraged to "dress up" and wear a collar or dress as preferred. Additional information about ceremony times, logistics, and payments will be shared before spring break.
8th Grade Dance
The 8th-grade dance will take place at Deal on Tuesday, June 21 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. This event will take place mostly outside and will be open only to currently enrolled Deal 8th-grade students. Tickets to the dance will cost $40. There is no attire requirement for the dance, but students are encouraged to dress comfortably for an outdoor event and must follow the Deal dress code. Additional information about logistics and payments will be shared before spring break.
This year's theme will be Enchanted Garden!