Ward 3 Mutual Aid: (Team Best)

Project Leaders: Anya Finkelstein, Maddie Woods, Zoe Becker

Hi! As our 8th grade community project we're supporting and raising awareness of the DC Mutual Aid. For our project we have become confirmed as members of the DC Ward 3 Mutual Aid in order to make a longer term commitment to our communities. The Ward 3 Mutual aid is part of a larger grassroots network to provide support and services for any of our neighbors who may need it. The Ward 3 Mutual Aid has made a commitment to provide support for our neighbors in Wards 7 and 8 in order to combat the rampant inequities within our city. Additionally, the Mutual Aid and its values are inextricable from a push for social justice, anti-capitalism, and the BLM movement. The Mutual Aid has a hotline for DC residents experiencing homelessness or food insecurity, the Mutual Aid organizes and hosts various drives, and delivers groceries for those who may not be able to get groceries for themselves. Click the link below to learn more about and join the Mutual Aid. And stay tuned for the dates and location of our food drive in conjunction with the Mutual Aid!

Learn more and join: https://actionnetwork.org/groups/ward-3-mutual-aid

Support the mutual aid through donation: https://opencollective.com/ward3neighborsupport


Books for Senegal


Mental Health (Team Best)