Covid-19 Updates, Deal’s Green Wall
Principal's Message
Good afternoon,
Thank you to all the families who were able to join us on Thursday evening for the Virtual Back-to-School Night. We appreciate your patience and flexibility. Teacher-specific slides from Back-to-School Night will be available in Team Newsletters.
COVID-19 Updates
Comprehensive data regarding all identified cases and outbreaks of COVID-19 in District public, public charter, and private schools are available at DC Schools Data.
What is a Close Contact?
Based on the updated guidance from DC Health, students who are within 3 to 6 feet of another student for longer than 15 minutes are not considered a close contact if all students are consistently wearing well-fitting masks and other mitigating factors that are part of DCPS health and safety measures are in place (physical distancing, increased ventilation, etc.)
Indoor Lunch
We have updated our lunch (indoor and outdoor) protocols to ensure we have seating charts. Please encourage your child to be mindful to sit in their assigned location.
Asymptomatic Testing @ Deal
Deal students will participate in Asymptomatic COVID testing on Tuesday, September 28. All students are eligible to participate. Videos that explain the testing procedures are available in English and Spanish. Please return the School-based COVID-19 Testing Opt-Out Form to your child's first period teacher to opt-out of asymptomatic testing.
DCPS Immunization Requirement
To protect the health and wellness of all students, District of Columbia law requires that all students attending school in the District provide up-to-date immunization certification or proof of medical or religious exemption. Information about immunization is available here.
MAP Assessment
All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will participate in Beginning of the Year MAP assessment in Science classes this week. All Deal students should bring headphones to use during testing. Data from BOY will be used to help teachers target instruction.
Aspen Student Accounts
All Teams will have introduced or reviewed Aspen by the middle of this week. Aspen is an important tool for students and their families to monitor academic progress. If by the end of the week, your student does not have access to Aspen, please reach out to
Please note: Student Aspen accounts use different logins and passwords than their Microsoft accounts. Families can support this effort by discussing strong passwords and encouraging students to practice logging in at home.
SEL This Week - Responsible Decision-making
According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), responsible decision-making is the ability to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations. During Period 6 this week, students will have an opportunity to explore the connection between Tier 1 Behaviors and responsible decision-making.
Tier 1 Behaviors include:
Attending class without required class materials or assigned work
Off-task behaviors that demonstrate disengagement from classroom learning
Behaviors that disrupt or interfere with classroom teaching and learning
Unexcused lateness for school or class
Inappropriate displays of affection
Excessive noise in the classroom, hall, or school building
Running in the classroom, hall, or school building
Communicating with staff and peers in a manner that is not polite, courteous, or respectful
Directing profanity or obscene/offensive gestures toward peers
Refusal to comply with staff instructions, or classroom or school rules
Any behavior or other conduct not specifically enumerated in any other tier in this chapter that is insubordinate or causes minor disruption to the academic environment but does not involve damage to school property or harm to self or others.
National Family Game Night Giveaway
Washington Football Team player, Charles Leno, Jr. and his family will stop by Deal after school on Tuesday to give board games to 200 students in celebration of National Family Game Night. We are looking forward to continuing our partnership with the Leno family in the future.
ADCA Meeting This Week
The first Alice Deal Community (ADCA) Association meeting of the school year will take place on Wednesday, September 29 at 6:30 pm. Families are encouraged to join us to hear general updates and information about the IB-MYP @ Deal. Parent Educator, Page Trevor, will also join us to provide advice for Parenting During Tumultuous Times.
National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month will continue through October 15. We encourage the Deal community to continue to explore ways to celebrate and recognize the contributions and influences of Hispanic Americans. Please feel free to check out Making Chocolate: Harper Macaw & Brazilian Cacao Farmers | Library of Congress and What is Hispanic Heritage Month - Facts About Hispanic Heritage Month
The 2021 Congressional App Challenge
The Congressional App Challenge encourages students to learn to code and inspires them to pursue careers in the various STEM fields. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton has challenged D.C. students to collaborate in teams to create innovative apps that solve problems. Online submissions are due November 1, 2021. The winning apps will be exhibited in the U.S. Capitol for one year. Registration can be accessed here.
Deal Has a Green Wall!
On October 16, 2020, I received an email from Nura Idris and Jessica McCallum. The two 7th graders shared an idea - We had an idea to help make the school more eco-friendly and increase the well-being of students. We were thinking that we could build a green wall at Deal.
On Friday, September 24 we finalized the installation of a green wall at Deal! Thank you Nura and Jessica for your advocacy, commitment, and resilience. Shout out to the ADCA, Interior Plantscapes, and members of the Deal community who donated to the Green Wall for your support.
Here We GROW!
September IB Learner Profile Spotlight: Balanced
Students who are balanced understand the importance of balancing different aspects of their lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional - to achieve well-being for themselves and others. Students recognize their interdependence with other people and with the world in which they live. Congratulations to the following students for exemplifying this month's IB Learner Profile trait of Balanced.
Team Brisbane: Max Van Leeuwen, Margaret Evans
Team Douala: Emmanuel Ashby, Sahra Sevastopulo
Team Lima: Ben Wilding, London Dawson
Team Mumbai: Harper Barlow, Cassius Lloyd
Team Porto Alegre: Serena Frazier, Parker Wilson
Team Chan Chan: Catherine (Lilla) Speth, Brandon McIntyre
Team Coba: Avril Dawn Palancia, Lam Tong
Team Constantinople: Greisy Alvarez-Medrano, Lane Mahan
Team Jericho: Ethan Stites, Chloe Peterson
Team Meroë: Robin King, Shelbee Dorsey
Team Best: Freya Matza, Raeden Burnette-Leverette
Team Calgary: Caroline Downs, Jemima Ndjeulo-Mbiengom
Team Luxor: Pablo Marin-Hormigo, Hailee Edmonds-Hall
Team Quito: Alice Patterson, Cifani Dakka
Team Wagga Wagga: Roscoe Stutz, Hanaan Anderson
Team Newsletters
Inner Core Newsletters
Join the Alice Deal School and Family Directory
Every year the Alice Deal Community Association (ADCA) compiles a family directory that is available online, in print and as a mobile app on a secure database. Register at today!
Health and Safety Guidance
You can review all Back to School health and safety guidance here. This includes:
Universal Masking
Required Immunizations and the COVID-19 Vaccine
Physical Distancing
Lunchtime Guidance
Quarantine and Classroom Instruction
Quarantine Attendance Policy
Close Contact
Enhanced Air Filtration and Cleaning
Children ages 3-18 years old attending school including those at private, parochial, and independent schools are eligible for free immunization appointments at pop up health clinics throughout the city from DC Public Schools and their partners at DC Health. Students are required to have their childhood immunizations up to date with forms submitted within 20 days of the start of school. Visit
Final Week: Deal COVID-19 Vaccine Site (Monday 4 - 7 pm)
Our vaccine partner, Giant Food, will offer the Pfizer vaccine for students 12+ in the Deal gymnasium by appointment only. Information is available at or 1-855-363-0333.
Back to School Night (Virtual)
We will host a virtual Back to School Night on Thursday, September 23 at 6:00 pm. Additional information will be provided.
Breakfast and Lunch
All DCPS students will receive universal free meals for SY 21/22 including breakfast and lunch. Parents / guardians are also encouraged to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application for other eligible benefits.
WMATA Bus Schedules
Route M4:
Routes D31, D32, D33, D34:,32,33,34_200823.pdf
Fall Extra-Curricular Activities
Coding Club
Welcome to Coding Club! You will have a chance to learn about innovative coding techniques (primarily Python) through the CodeHS application with the help of a professional coder! Please join us on Tuesdays in Room E201 from 3:40-4:40 pm beginning on September 28th and sign up through the link: Coding Club Sign Up
Math Club
Do you like to solve math problems in unusual ways? Do you enjoy a numerical challenge? Then the math club is for you! The Deal Math Team participates in multiple competitions throughout the school year, including Math Olympiad and Math Counts. If you're interested, come to our informational meeting this Tuesday, September 28, from 3:40 - 4:00. We will meet in Ms. Lashley's room (RG01). See you there!
Model UN
Model UN will meet on Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 pm online. Please check TEAMS for the link to the meeting. To be added to TEAMS please complete the form at Responses added after Monday at 9 am will be added for the following week’s meeting.
Our first conference is Sat. October 16, hosted by Holton-Arms. It is a virtual conference and free. To see the committees offered and to sign up please visit: Registrations will be sent in on Wednesday and we will discuss more of what is entailed at Tuesday’s meeting.
Running Club
Welcome to Running Club! You will have a chance to run with a variety of runners: anyone from speed walkers to cross country runners are welcome. We will all train to run an optional 5K through the Fletcher's Cove Park Run program in Georgetown (free to all participants!). Please join us on Mondays from 3:40-4:40 pm in Room E201 with your running gear beginning on September 27th!
Ultimate Frisbee Club
The Ultimate Frisbee Club will practice this Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 pm. Players must meet in room E106 (Mr. Martini) immediately after school before heading out to the turf. All skill levels are welcome as #Ultimateisforeverybody! Be sure to wear comfortable athletic clothing and sneakers and bring an extra bottle of water!
Students must turn in the Club Sports Forms (available here) to be able to play. Be sure to also to sign-up to receive club text message reminders by sending the message @dealulty to the number 81010.
Updates from the Athletic Department:
Greetings families! Thanks to all of the students who participated in tryouts over the past two weeks! We had a huge turnout and are glad to see how excited everyone is to return to sports! Those student-athletes who were selected for teams have been notified. If you have any questions about tryouts, cuts, or final rosters please reach out to that team's respective coach.
If you haven't done so already, please complete and submit all athletic eligibility documents to SEAMLESS DOCS. Please also be aware of the expiration date of your child's Universal Health Certificate and submit an updated copy before that date to prevent a lapse in eligibility. Please review and review with your child the DCIAA Return to Play mask mandate as outlined below:
Face coverings must be worn at all times unless the student-athlete is engaged in physical activity during workouts, practices or competitions.
Coaches, athletic trainers, officials, spectators, athletic personnel and all staff must wear face coverings at all times outdoors.
Cloth face coverings are acceptable.
Face coverings should not be shared.
Plastic shields covering the entire face will not be allowed during athletic participation due to the risk of unintended injury to the person wearing the shield or others.
For indoor sports, face coverings must be worn at all times, except as noted below: Cheerleading – when actively engaged in stunting/tumbling.
Coaches, athletic trainers, officials, spectators, athletic personnel and all staff must wear face coverings at all times outdoors.
Cloth face coverings are acceptable.
Face coverings must not be shared.
Plastic shields covering the entire face will not be allowed during athletic participation due to the risk of unintended injury to the person wearing the shield or others.
Students may remove themselves from practice and/or competition, if needed, to remove masks and rest. Breaks will be scheduled during athletic activity to provide rest. Coaches should schedule breaks during athletic activity to allow for student-athletes to rest, hydrate, and remove masks while social distancing.
Please review the new DCIAA vaccine requirement information below:
Fall Student-Athletes and Coaches
There is no vaccine mandate for Fall sports (archery, cross country, football, soccer, and volleyball). Fall student-athletes and coaches may finish out the season under the existing student eligibility and coach certification rules. Student-athletes and coaches participating on both Fall and Winter teams must be fully vaccinated by November 1 to participate with their Winter teams.
Winter Student-Athletes and Coaches
Beginning on November 1, any student-athlete or coach participating on a winter team must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Unvaccinated individuals will not be allowed to participate in any team activities. Winter sports include basketball, bowling, indoor track, swimming, and wrestling. Spring student-athletes and coaches wishing to participate in pre-season activities must also be fully vaccinated.
Please see the practice/game schedule for the upcoming week below:
Tuesday 9/28 - Practice, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Wednesday 9/29 - Practice from 7:30 to 8:30 am
*Thursday 9/30 - Match vs. Hardy @ Deal, 4 pm
Girls Soccer:
Monday 9/27 - Practice, 3:30 to 5 pm
*Tuesday 9/28 - Game vs. Ida B. Wells @ Randall Field, 3:30 pm (820 S. Capitol Street, SW, 20024)
Thursday 9/30 - Practice, 3:30 to 5 pm
Boys Soccer:
Monday 9/27 - Practice, 3:30 to 5 pm
*Tuesday 9/28 - Game vs. Brookland @ Deal, 5 pm (1150 Michigan Ave. NE, 20017)
Thursday 9/30 - Game vs. Wells @ Randall Field, 3:30 pm (820 S. Capitol Street, SW, 20024)
Cross Country:
Monday - Practice, 3:30 to 5:15 pm
Wednesday - Practice, 3:30 to 5:15 pm
Friday - Practice, 3:30 to 5:15 pm
*Monday 9/27 - Game vs. Brookland @ Brookland, 5:30 pm (1150 Michigan Ave. NE, 20017)
Tuesday 9/28 - Practice, 3:30 to 5:30 pm
*Wednesday 9/29 - Gave vs. Jefferson @ Deal, 5:30 pm
Monday 9/27 - Practice, 3:30 to 6 pm
Tuesday 9/28 - Practice, 3:30 to 6 pm
*Wednesday 9/29 - Game vs. Ballou @ Ballou, 6 pm (3401 4th St. SE, 20032)
Thursday 9/30 - Practice/film review, 3:30 to 4:30
Friday 10/1 - Practice, 3:30 to 6 pm
Tuesday, 9/21: practice, 3:30 pm to 6 pm
Thursday, 9/23: practice, 3:30 pm to 6 pm
Adaptive Bowling:
Adaptive Bowling is currently being offered at Alice Deal. This program is only available to students in the SLS (Specific Learning Support), BES (Behavior and Education Support), and CES (Communication and Education Support) programs. If you are interested in your child participating in this program, please email to indicate such.
New this week: Boys and Girls Lacrosse Conditioning with Coach Ryan Jones.
Coach Jones will host free lacrosse training/conditioning. If your child is interested in participating, please fill out and submit athletic eligibility documents via SEAMLESS DOCS and then email and you'll be added to the contact list!
The Alice Deal Athletic Calendar will be updated weekly with the most accurate schedule information.
Please see coach contact information below:
General sports/athletics inquiries:
Boys Cross Country - Ryan Deak,
Girls Cross Country - Allison Beckley,
Boys Soccer - Frederick Mbayu,
Girls Soccer - Kwabena Osei,
Volleyball - Darieal Wimbley,
Football - Michael Oliver,
Archery - Staci Pugh,
Cheerleading - Lalani Stevens,
Adapted Bowling - Eian Jackson -
Community Announcements:
Chevy Chase Prep proudly coaches students through successful high school transitions all year around. We specialize in SSAT, ISEE, HSPT, TOEFL, and in-house test preparation, and in guidance on all facets of high school admissions. Local references attest to students' performance on standardized tests, and to our overall expertise. We're lifelong Deal neighbors and 100 percent woman-owned. Please visit us on the web at; email us at
Maggie Ronkin, Founding Owner, Chevy Chase Prep