Deal Debate, Soccer Tournament, Quiz Bowl
Principal’s Message
Good afternoon,
Last weekend, the Deal Debate Team attended the national Tournament of Champions sponsored by the University of Kentucky. As one of the two national championship events for middle school students the tournament hosted hundreds of competitors from all 50 states, Canada, and several foreign countries. Deal debaters walked away with several honors:
In the Lincoln Douglas debate, Zoe Becker and Max Tatton completed the extremely competitive six preliminary rounds with records of 5-1 and 4-2 respectfully granting them the right to participate in the elimination rounds against the best middle school debaters in attendance.
With a very strong cadre of support from all of their teammates, Max moved onto the triple octo-finals where he was eventually defeated on a close 2-1 decision by a debater from Houston, Texas. Zoe easily won her first three elimination rounds and advanced to the quarterfinals after defeating two debaters from Hua Xia Chinese School. In the quarter-final debate she ran up against a worthy opponent from northern California where she debated to a very close 2-1 decision. Zoe was awarded 5th place and also received the 10th place outstanding speaker award for the tournament!
Shout out to Mr. Stroud and Ms. Coleman-Jeffries for their hard work and support.
Here we GROW!