Volunteer opportunity: Save the trees in Ft. Reno!

We're launching an effort to rid Ft. Reno park of invasive vines that are endangering the trees. Come and join a group of National Park Service "Weed Warriors" on Saturday, February 11 from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm. No prior experience needed and we'll have some pruners, loppers, and gloves on hand (feel free to bring your own as well). Anyone age 10+ is welcome to join in the fun.

Note for students, this activity counts toward volunteer hours needed to graduate from Deal, just bring your community service form for us to sign.

Please send an email to Courtney Bergeron at ccbergeron@hotmail.com if you plan to participate (and if you can only come for part of the time that's okay). We'll meet at the edge of the parking area behind Deal and will focus first on the stand of trees just below the salt dome along the path from the parking area to Fessenden Street. Thanks very much for considering lending a hand to preserve the trees throughout the park!


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