Thankful Thursday: Deal's Theater Intensive

We are so very proud of Deal's Theater Program. It is a long-standing tradition at Deal for students to gather, learn, and grow together within the theater environment. This Thankful Thursday we celebrate the Deal Theater Intensive. This program is currently running three days a week, in a workshop format, with close to 70 participants! Performances in the Round on November 17th & 18th at 6:30pm. Here's why we love the Theater Intensive program:

  • A comfortable and welcoming environment for all students

  • An opportunity to learn and explore the rigorous skills required to be an actor including vocal techniques, scene analysis, comedy, drama and so much more!

  • Professional Instructor/Director - have you met the amazing Andrea Harris Smith?! ADCA was fortunate to find her for our program, and she continues to keep our students challenged and engaged as they soak up her expertise

  • A place to have FUN! That's the goal - just have fun with your friends!

Donate to the ADCA today and help support theater and other student activities!


ANet ELA Testing


Save the Date: Deal Gives Back Food Drive - November 5