Thankful Thursday: Deal’s IB Program

“ADCA funding is a critical source of funding for Deal’s IB program.” Caitlin Daniels, IB Coordinator

We often hear that Alice Deal follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. That means that Deal’s curriculum emphasizes cultivating an international outlook, engaging students’ sense of responsibility, and forming connections between students’ classwork and the community around them. The IB program strengthens students’ research and critical thinking skills – good preparation for a challenging high school curriculum. A strong and meaningful IB program requires teachers that are well-trained in IB principles.

Contributions to the ADCA provide 2/3 of the funding for Deal’s teachers to attend IB professional development opportunities. Deal depends on all of us to ensure that our students continue to receive a high quality of education. Any level of contribution to the ADCA helps the Deal community. Donate today!


Tomorrow: Deal Food Drive


Deal Gives Back Food Drive