SY 24-25 Local School Advisory Team

The newly elected parent representatives to the Deal LSAT are Kenli Okada (2-year term), Keri Sikich (2-year term), and Liz Stuart (finishing out someone else's term, so a 1-year term).   They will join April York (finishing out year 2 of a 2-year term) and Amanda Provost (ADCA representative to the LSAT).   Please reach out to any of them or to the LSAT email address,, with any questions or concerns.  You can also find more information, including previous meeting minutes, at the LSAT website:   The meetings are public and are generally the first Monday of the month, 7:30 - 8:30am by zoom; reach out to the LSAT if you would like more details.  A huge thanks to all of the parents who put their hat in the ring for this role, and for all of the volunteers we have supporting the School in many different ways.


Jackson Reed NAF Night


Hispanic Heritage Month