Spanish Speakers Wanted

We need Spanish speakers to speak on an Immigration Panel on Friday, November 15th at Deal.

Eighth grade Spanish 2 students have been reading a book about immigration this advisory and will end the unit participating in an immigration panel and having one-on-one conversations in Spanish with students from Cardozo International. We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to speak on our immigration panels on Friday November 15th from 8:45am-3:15pm.

We need Spanish speakers who they themselves have immigrated or have families affected by immigration, or people who work in the field of immigration and would be comfortable sharing their experience with our students. Each 50 minute panel will begin with students sharing in Spanish what they have learned, and then they will ask questions in Spanish.

For example: Hay alguien en su familia quién es un inmigrante? cómo mantienen costumbres/ cultura de su país aquí en los EEUU? en su vida diaria, con quién habla español y con  quién habla inglés?  en su opinión, cuáles son unos desafíos que inmigrantes enfrentan en los EEUU?. There may also be an opportunity to expand or deepen the conversation in English if needed.

The panels will take place in each period all day from 8:45am until 3:15pm, in 50-minute slots.  You could come for one or stay for all five!  If you are in a position to help or know someone who might be willing to, please let us know by signing up on this document or emailing and/or Feel free to reach out also with any questions you may have before committing.

In the past, our students have found this to be a very valuable experience in terms of understanding the themes of this unit and their growth as language learners. We are looking forward to it and appreciate your support!


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