Shakespeare Production!

Join Deal Theater for Twelfth Night! This Shakespearean comedy has love triangles, mistaken identities, and plenty of opportunities to show off your skills. The script you see will not be the final product, just a jumping off point. We will be adding movement, songs, and maybe even another scene or two. Come join us in the auditorium after school for the audition workshop on Tuesday December 5th where we will translate a scene into modern English. Auditions will be on December 6th. For the auditions, please bring the translated scene from the workshop OR a minute of your favorite Shakespeare monologue.

We need a parent volunteer to supervise students before their audition. Responsibilities will include sitting with the kids in a hallway/classroom while they wait their turn to audition and making sure they don’t wander. 3:30-5:30 on Wednesday Dec 6th. Email Cate at if you can help.


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