Reporting to School on Monday, November 28

Students who test negative are expected to come to school on Monday, November 28 with proof of their negative test results (paper copy or on their phone).

  • Students with proof of a negative test result will go directly to the appropriate entrance when they arrive at school. Deal staff will review their proof of a negative test result. Beginning at 8:15 am, students will receive a wristband, proceed through the regular security process, and report to class.

  • Students who test negative on Sunday, April 17 but do not bring proof of a negative result will have their results verified by a Deal staff member. Once verified, students will receive a blue wristband, proceed through the regular security process, and report to class.

  • Students who do not test at home will be able to test in a designated area. Entry for these students may be delayed beyond 9:00 am.




Term 1 Report Cards