Panorama Survey Fall 2022

Twice a year, DCPS asks students in grades 3 and higher to complete a survey about social emotional learning, the Panorama Student Survey, to help us better understand what students think about their school experiences and their social and emotional learning.  Deal students will take the Panorama Survey on Tuesday, October 25 during Advisory. 

The Panorama Student Survey and the Panorama Student Success platform are valuable parts of DCPS’s work. If you have any questions regarding the Panorama Student Survey and the Panorama Student Success platform or if you want to see the survey questions students will receive, please visit

This survey is voluntary and confidential. Your child is not required to participate, but the feedback would be very valuable. This survey asks only for your child’s honest experience and opinions. Your child’s grades will not be affected by his or her responses. Your child’s privacy will be protected to the extent allowed by law. Your child’s name will never be used in reports. As in previous years, the survey asks students in grades 6-12 about their gender and sexual identity. These questions help the district promote equitable treatment for all students in accordance with our Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Policy Guidance. They are entirely voluntary, and students who are not comfortable answering can skip them.

If you do NOT want your child to take the Panorama Student Survey this fall, or if you are a student 18 or older and do not want to take the survey please email your grade-level assistant principal and counselor by Monday, October 24.


Virtual Open House | Wednesday, October 26 at 6:30 pm


Spirit Week is Here!