New Date | World Language Trips Interest Meeting

The interest meeting for the 8th grade world language trips has been moved to Tuesday, November 29th at 6:30 pm in the Deal auditorium.

To learn more about the trips, please see below:

  • Costa Rica - This trip is open to 8th grade students currently enrolled in Spanish. This 9-day trip will take place over the April break and will cost $2705.

  • Guatemala - This trip is open to 8th grade students currently enrolled in Spanish Humanities. This 9-day trip will take place over the April break and will cost $1990 plus airfare (estimated at $800).

  • France - This trip is open to 8th grade students currently enrolled in French. This 10-day trip will take place over the April break and will cost $3630.

  • Thailand - This trip is open to 8th grade students currently enrolled in Chinese. This 11-day trip will take place over the April break and will cost $4499. Acknowledging this trip is not equivalent to a trip to China, we hope this opportunity to experience a non-Western country and culture will be a powerful experience for our students.

The trips have limited space and spots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.  The deadline to register is December 20. Links to register for the trips and specific itinerary information will be shared next week. If you want to learn more about the experience, take a moment to explore some of our previous trips' blogs HERE.


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