MUN News

Congratulations to the eleven  Deal students who participated in the William and Mary Model UN conference this weekend (WMDIMUN): 

Vivienne Schell  (7th grade)
Nora Olafsen-Clinton  (8th grade)
Eva Gerhart (6th grade)
Maeve McMurray (8th grade)
Owen Kunce (6th grade)
Elina Hart (6th grade)
MaryJane Webb (6th grade)
Cecelia Grant  (8th grade)
Jackie (John) Searby  (7th grade)
Max Van Leeuwen (7th grade)
Finn O’Neill (7th grade).

In this weekend conference, Deal delegates participated in the crisis committees on the Philippine Election of 1986, the Pelopenian War, and the Olympic Committee of 2079.  Students also discussed human genome editing, Curbing Hegemonic Overreach, the Myanmar Coup and the Tatmadaw, minimum wage and climate change within ASEAN, and the enlargement of the UEFA Champions League.   While awards were not given at this conference, our delegates were top notch and continue to hone their skills!   Thank you to our super dedicated parents who drove our delegates to Williamsburg and back this weekend!


Model UN Sign Up


Dealapalooza Teacher Parties