Model UN Crisis Workshop Highlights

Thirty-four current Deal students and twelve Deal alum (current Jackson-Reed and Walls students) participated in a Model UN Crisis Workshop from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Delegates learned the protocols and vocabulary of crisis committees. The committee topic? UN vs. Aliens. All students started off as world leaders in the UN, facing a schism in how to move forward as a divided global society, only to find out that half of them were aliens, posing as humans. Delegates were tasked with not only saving the UN, but saving the world from alien takeover. The entire story arc, biographies, and background guide was written and organized by sophomore, juniors, and seniors, as well as Deal’s Secretary Generals: Nora Olafsen-Clinton and Maeve McMurray. Everyone left having learned something and feeling good about our Saturday together. Congratulations to all students—current and alum!!! Shout out to Ms. Trenkle and Ms. Cohen for leading Model UN at Deal.


Deal @ the National Museum of African American History and Culture


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