Join the ADCA for SY23-24 We Need You!

Each year, Deal Middle School relies on lead volunteers (ADCA Board Members & LSAT Members) and committee volunteers to raise money and apply those funds Deal.

As caretakers, we do this work to support school administration and teachers. We also set a good example for our children by volunteering and building community.

  • ADCA needs your help now as we plan for SY23-24

  • Each job is so important

  • Leadership positions available

  • Smaller, project and task oriented positions available

  • All are welcome to join in and help

Make a commitment to help the ADCA by reviewing the attached. Complete this form today!

Stop by to talk with ADCA representatives tomorrow at BIG DEAL DAY!

We look forward to meeting you!



Officer: Co–Presidents (2)

Co-Presidents preside over weekly officer meetings, monthly committee meetings and quarterly

general meetings. ADCA Co-Presidents serve as the primary contact with school Principal. Co-

Presidents oversee and manage all ADCA operations as well as committees supporting the

organization, ensuring the purpose of the ADCA organization is served.

Officer: First Vice Presidents – Diversity Equity Inclusion (2)

First Vice Presidents-DEI will assist Co-Presidents with ongoing ADCA activities, especially in a

situation of his or her absence or inability to serve. First Vice Presidents-DEI serve on each

ADCA committee ensuring all ADCA events and activities provide framework that seeks to

promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people within the Alice Deal Middle School


Officer: 2 nd Vice President – Communications (1)

First Vice President-Communications will oversee all communications for the ADCA.

Communications management includes leading a team/committee of volunteers who compile

and send out the ADCA weekly communication (Tuesday Roundup) in addition to other event

related communications as needed, leading up to important ADCA/school events.

Communicate/connect with Deal MS Communications Director to coordinate any social media

needs for ADCA (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and oversee A-Z Directory lead who manages

family directory and staff directory.

Officer: Co-Treasurers (2)

Co-Treasurers oversee all financial items for the ADCA to include the collection/receiving of all

funds given to the ADCA by donation or point of sale. Maintain accurate records, monitor

expenses, reimburse and pay funds in accordance with the approval of the executive board for

expenses and invoices related to the approved current school year ADCA budget. Present a

financial report for each ADCA meeting and make financial statements available upon request.

Present a monthly financial report/reconciliation to the Officers. Present a final end of year

closeout report at every meeting and at other times of the year when requested by the executive

board and make a full report at the end of the year. Treasurers meet weekly with the co-

Presidents and Principal to discuss school needs, financials and pay out expenditures. The

frequency and pace of providing financial services to the Executive can be high at times during

the school year.

Officer: Recording Secretary (1)

Secretary shall keep the records of the ADCA organization, take and record minutes, prepare

the agenda, handle correspondence, and provide notice of meetings to the membership. The

secretary also keeps a copy of the minute books, by-laws, rules, and any other necessary

supplies and brings them to meetings. 

Committee Lead: New Family Outreach (1)

New Family Outreach focuses on engaging with incoming 6 th grade families as well as any new

families joining the Deal Community. This process begins with the online Feeder School Chats

and continues with the monthly Open House Tours at Deal. New Family Outreach lead will

oversee a committee of volunteers who support the Feeder School Chats by participating on

these calls and representing the ADCA, recruiting and overseeing Deal Students as they serve

as tour guides during the monthly Open House Tours, maintains email communication with

feeder schools and their PTA/HSA to inform the elementary school of upcoming Deal/ADCA

events. Support Committee: 4 volunteers

Committee Lead: Fundraising (1)

Fundraising Lead oversees ADCA fundraising activities. Activities include but not limited to

annual donation drive, partnership/give back programs, dine out programs, annual winter and

spring fundraising events. Manage committee of volunteers, each volunteer (or more) is

responsible to execute one fundraising program during the school year/term of service.

Fundraising lead works closely with the Co-Presidents, Co-Treasurers and 2 nd VP of

Communications. Support Committee: 8 volunteers

Committee Lead: Community Events (1)

Community Events lead oversees ADCA community building events and activities while

managing a group of volunteers to actively plan and execute annual events to include but not

limited to: Annual Grade Level Barbeques, International Night, Big Deal Day.

Support Committee: 4 volunteers

Committee Lead: Hospitality & Teacher Appreciation (1)

Hospitality & Teacher Appreciation Leads will organize and oversee teacher appreciation events

such as, but not limited to, Welcome Back events for Teachers, Teacher Appreciation Week,

Principal/Assistant Principal Appreciation, Counselor Appreciation, monthly Coffee Station for

staff, support the National Junior Honor Society Celebration and support the 8th grade

Promotion ceremony. Support Committee: 8 volunteers

Committee Deal Gives Back (1)

Deal Give Back lead will oversee and manage the Deal Gives Back program and volunteers.

This program is focused on supporting our students with “hands-on” volunteering opportunities

to acquire service hours with events held on campus at Deal. This initiative also supports the

Deal Community by overseeing and managing an annual Cold Weather Gear drive. This is a

new initiative; programming is still to be determined by the school Principal.

Support Committee: 4 volunteers

Committee Lead: Deal Gear (1)

Deal Gear lead is responsible for designing, ordering, maintaining an accurate inventory, and

selling Deal Gear at all ADCA onsite events. ADCA events to include but not limited to: 6 th

grade August orientation, Back to School Night, Fall Grade Level Barbeque Events,

Parent/Teacher Conferences, International Night, and community events.

Support Committee: 8 volunteers

Committee Lead: Sports Liaison (1)

Sports Liaison lead works directly with the Athletic Director at Deal. Primary responsibilities

include supporting each sports team per season (Fall, Winter, Spring) based on directions given

by the Athletic Director. Assist with uniform inventory, parent communication, game and event

communication via ADCA channel, organizing and coordinating volunteers for Fall, Winter and

Spring Sports Celebrations to include certificates, drinks and snacks.

Support Committee: 4


Deal Student Drafted by the Jaguars


BIG DEAL DAY - Rain or Shine!