IB Students of the Month: Caring

November's IB Learner Profile trait is caring! Our Deal community strives to show empathy, respect, and make a positive difference in the lives of others in our daily interactions.

 6th Grade:

  • Team Oaxaca:  Alfredo Bonilla-Solarzano and Katelijne Boef

  • Team Havana: Leyla Tejada and Anderzon Paredes

  • Team Pago Pago: Kennedy Proctor and Noah Beard

  • Team Positano: Omar McIntosh and Nylah Daniels

  • Team Istanbul: Miles Heyman and Anya Duffy-Jones 

 7th Grade:

  • Team Carthage: Liam Van Leeuwen and Hanh Nguyen 

  • Team Cusco: Cara Braden and Yisehak Wondwosen

  • Team Babylon: Kinnidi Burke and Claude-Eric Nicolas

  • Team Nara: Hannah Liburd and Martin Finnegan

  • Team Accra: Zoey Fedele and James Walker

8th Grade: 

  • Team Douala: (coming soon)

  • Team Marvel: (coming soon)

  • Team Hamburg: Oliver Gilbert and Nati Pinilla

  • Team Leon: Henry Heyman and Anjela Barber Caceres

  • Team Waikikamukau: Shushan Manukyan-Craig and Derek Daniels


Donation Drive: We still need your help!


This Week's Schedule