Give Today! Your Donations Are So Important

Why are your donations to the ADCA so important?

  • Donations directly impact student programs: ADCA funds provide financial support for Deal Sports, Deal Theater, and Deal Clubs as well as supplemental funds for classroom materials

  • Donations directly impact teachers: Summer Programming is supplemented by ADCA funds to support the staff who instruct students over the summer leading into the current school year

  • Donations directly impact Deal's International Baccalaureate Program - ADCA funds supplement Professional Development Training as teachers maintain credentials for IP Program

Reminder: Our goal is $120,000 by October 31st. Currently, we have collected only 1/3 of our goal. Please help us today! ADCA uses your donations to directly impact so many programs for Deal.

Make your donation here.


Executive Function Resources


October IB Learner Profile Students of the Month