Festive Friday Feature: Cocktail and Whiskey Tasting Parties

Punxsutawney Phil  to appear at Deal Whiskey Tasting! Is it Ground Hog day? No that was yesterday, but 6 weeks from now we'll be celebrating Deal.

Wouldn’t you like to impress your friends with amazing cocktails? What are the best garnishes to dress up your drink? Maybe you have an upcoming party and need a few ideas? Come and learn all about mixology at the Cocktail Class on March 4!

Are you a Whiskey connoisseur? Or maybe you are a Whiskey aficionado? Want to taste a selection of whiskeys not easily found stateside? Then the Whiskey Tasting Party is for you! Book your calendar for March 18.

Are you ready to host an event?
Let us know by February 10 if you would like to host an event during Dealapalooza. Please note that the ADCA will not reimburse the costs of any event. Hosts bear the entire cost of the event, so that the Deal community can get the full benefit of the contribution. 

 Please submit your event idea on this form. Do you have other questions? Please get in touch with Lauren Okonkwo: lauren.okonkwo@gmail.com


Deal Family Meet & Greet


Afterschool Outdoor Basketball Club