Deal Spelling Bee

Last Tuesday, 130 of Deal’s best spellers started the day in the cafeteria for the school-wide spelling bee competition. Having won their individual Advisory spelling bees two individuals from each class were selected to compete in the school-wide academic competition.

After a 25-words written spelling bee 35 students advanced to the final round. Slowly individual students stood in front of a panel of judges and spelled. After 8 rounds of spelling and 130 different words the championship round of spelling was held. Representing Ms. Beckley’s Advisory class and declared the Alice Deal Spelling Bee Champion was Aurora Felton. The two other students in the final round—and also advancing to the Regional Spelling Bee—were Azella Gravely (Ms. Sharp) and Henry Cai (Mr. Fontalvo). The winning word was “circumstantial.”

Aurora, Azella, and Henry—all sixth graders—will now advance to the Regional Spelling Bee to be held on February 9, 2023 at THEARC Theater where they will compete for a right to attend the City-Wide competition in early March.




Middle of Year Diagnostic Assessments