Deal Speech and Debate Team

Congratulations to the 27 students that participated in the first Washington Urban Debate League of the 2023-24 school year. Everyone did an excellent job maneuvering a lot of new experiences and ended the tournament with lots of smiles. The following teams and individuals were recognized at the awards assembly:

Novice Division
Team Awards
11th place - Mary Woodings and Alexa Valdivia
14th place- Emma Elton-Melzi and Aurora Felton

Speakers Awards
1st Place - Clay Marentette
7th Place- Maggie Stanley
10th Place- Nora Kahl
13th Place- Rose Geshekter

Junior Varsity Debate
Team Debate
8th place- Adele Redmond
9th place- Sabrina Campbell and Isabell Barry

Speaker Awards

6th place- Venya Gulati


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Great ShakeOut 2023