Deal MS Virtual HS Night

We are just TWO weeks away from hosting our annual Alice Deal Middle School Virtual High School Night on Thursday, November 30 from 6:00 until 8:00 pm. We will begin with the opening session at 6:00 pm where we will hear from a DCPS Enrollment Team Representative. After which, families will have the opportunity to attend two school presentations from a school of your choice or join a Q&A session. The first session begins at 6:40 pm. The second session begins at 7:05 pm. Once session 2 has ended, please use the remainder time to explore the websites of other DCPS high schools for information about each school. All sessions will be recorded and shared in upcoming newsletters.

This event is for families of both 8th and 7th grade students and students are encouraged to join.

Below is a list of confirmed DCPS High Schools who will be participating in the event: 

  • Bard High School Early College DC

  • Benjamin Banneker Academic High School 

  • Duke Ellington School of the Arts

  • Jackson-Reed High School

  • MacArthur High School

  • McKinley Technology High School

  • School Without Walls High School


In-Person Open House


DCPS High School Open House