Deal International Trips

This April break marks the return of Deal's international trips! Thanks to our amazing trip leaders, chaperones, community, ADCA, and DCPS, we will send our students to Costa Rica, France, and China for the adventure of a lifetime. This trip represents countless hours of preparation, and we cannot possibly be more grateful to those who made it possible, especially our ADCA for supporting with nearly $30,000 in scholarships.

  • Costa Rica (group 1) - departs 4/15, returns 4/23

  • Costa Rica (group 2) - departs 4/16, returns 4/24

  • France - departs 4/16, returns 4/25

  • Thailand - departs 4/14, returns 4/24

  • Costa Rica Service Trip - departs 4/15, returns 4/23

We look forward to the stories, pictures, and memories our students will make during their trips. Bon voyage!


Ward 3 EdNet - Deal Families Are Encouraged to Attend


Math ANet 3 Assessment – Headphones