Deal Debate

At the Oct 26 regional WACFL debate tournament held in Woodbridge, VA, the Deal debate team had a great showing in a tournament that is dominated by high school competitors:

In Policy Debate:

  • In the junior varsity division, the team of Iris Wilkins and Arabella Bernstein were the tournament champions. They were ranked 1st place and 4th place speakers respectively, and they qualified to Metrofinals, the knockout competition next spring to qualify for nationals.

  • in the varsity division: Rory Felton and Emma Elton-Melzi finished 8th and qualified for Metrofinals.

  • In the novice division, Matias Melcher and Ved Rupvtarm finished 9th place, and Matias was awarded 8th place speaker.

In Public Forum Debate:

  • In the novice division, Maya Karson and Fiona Johnson finished 9th

At the Oct. 19 regional WACFL debate tournament in Manassas, Virginia, the Deal team competed against area high schoolers and had terrific results:

In Congressional Debate:

  • Team co-captain Rohan Tatlow placed 3d including all high schoolers and 1st among middle school competitors, and qualified for Metrofinals. He was voted the Outstanding Representative by his fellow competitors. Halle Epstein won top novice in her Congress chamber and qualified for Metrofinals.Aleph McLean won top novice in his Congress chamber and qualified for Metrofinals.

In Lincoln-Douglas Debate:

  • Team co-captain Eliana Rosenberg was undefeated and won 1st place in novice LD Debate, qualifying for Metrofinals. Rory Felton also was undefeated in novice LD, and earned a half bid to Metrofinals.


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