Deal Debate

This weekend the debate team participated in the Washington Arlington Forensics League high school debate tournament with some outstanding breakout success. Attending the tournament were over 742 high school students from 52 high schools in Maryland, DC, and VA and 20 ready and willing students from Deal—the only middle school in attendance. To make things even more interesting the tournament harkened back to a COVID-era all virtual tournaments. The following are those students who placed in the top 10 in their respective divisions and events:

  • Novice Policy Debate: 2nd Place (2-1 record)—Appearing in their first tournament of the year the team of Rohan Tatlow and Johnathan Hertzberg; 1st speaker in the division was Rohan Tatlow.

  • Junior Varsity Policy Debate: 7th place (2-1 record)—Josie Casper and Venya Gulati

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Finishing the tournament with a 3-1 record and just missing qualifying for the season-ending Metro-final championships, but earning the right to move to the next higher division were:

    • Nicholas Ray (3-1 record)

    • Lila Noti (3-1 record)


Deal Ice Skating


7th Grade Spirit Week