Congratulations Deal Debaters

This weekend the Deal Debate Team participated in two of the final regular debate tournaments of the year with success. 

In the WACFL (Washington Arlington Catholic Forensics League Tournament) tournament held virtually, Isaac Wallsten completed the tournament undefeated and won the varsity division besting the rest of the exclusively high school debaters.

In the WUDL (Washington Urban Debate League) tournament the following students placed in the Novice division:

  • 1st place Annika Kimbrell (4th speaker) and Josie Caspar(8th speaker)

  • 5th place:  Emma Pfaffenroth (7th speaker) and Lila Noti (5th speaker)

Congratulations to all our dedicated debaters.  


Dealapalooza Party Preview


Deal @ the National Museum of African American History and Culture