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Only two weeks before our Spanish Foreign Language Trip, Deal students participating in the trip to Guatemala have been presented with an unexpected challenge. For the safety of our students, a last-minute change of destination has been made from Guatemala to Costa Rica. Assistant Principal Patrick Rottman shares more details here:

As part of our mission as an International Baccalaureate school to build students' excellence, curiosity, and compassion, Deal places a high value on international travel. While most of our students enjoy exposure to the highlights and adventures available in Costa Rica, France, and China, one trip stands out for its connection to service and cultural connection. Only open to our bi-lingual students in the Spanish Humanities course, our trip to Guatemala allows students to experience the country speaking only in the target language as they participate in a home-stay and work on a community service project. This trip requires a special kind of world traveler and has a lasting impact on our students, with many remaining in touch with their host family for years.

This year, due to a late change in the State Department's threat assessment of Guatemala, our trip's approval was denied by DCPS less than three weeks before our planned departure. The late denial has never happened before and risked the entire trip falling through, with our families receiving no refund. Working quickly with our trip planners, travel vendor, and families, Deal was able to secure a similar experience on the same and focus on service and emersion in Costa Rica instead. While not an equivalent experience, this new itinerary meets the spirit of the original trip and ensures our students don't lose out on a life-changing experience.

Due to the late nature of the change, the cost of the trip increased as our vendor worked to secure travel and booking with almost no lead time. Each family will now be asked to pay an additional expense for the trip or risk losing the entire experience. While some of our families are fortunate to be able to cover the expense with no warning, the cost is either unfairly burdensome or impossible for most. In order to make this trip possible, we need additional funding to cover the total remaining balance for these families. This is not a small ask, but this support will mean 13 of our most adventurous, curious future world leaders will have the travel opportunity of a lifetime.

Patrick Rottman

Assistant Principal

We are asking for your financial support, we must raise $2,300 by next Friday, April 7th. If your budget allows, please make a contribution to support these families using this link.

Any and all contributions for these students is greatly appreciated. Please note: any funds that exceed the amount needed will be applied to the Foreign Language Scholarship Program for future Foreign Language Trips Your support is greatly appreciated!


Assistant Principals Week | April 3 - 7


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