
We acknowledge and apologize for the premature email sent by BehaviorFlip last week. We have spoken with representatives regarding this matter. No actions are required by families at this time. We will follow up with families as students demonstrate the need for behavioral support.

BehaviorFlip is a behavior management system that will help us monitor repeated patterns of student behavior and offer support prior to behaviors becoming more serious in nature. Students are also recognized for their positive behaviors! Through BehaviorFlip, students get opportunities to gain empathy for others and receive coaching on behaviors and social-emotional learning.

BehaviorFlip groups behaviors that students need coaching on into categories of Respect and Responsibility. When a student demonstrates a behavior that does not meet expectations, teachers/staff will log it in BehaviorFlip. Students may “repair the harm” of actions. Teachers/staff will also have the ability to assign positive events to reward Resiliency.

BehaviorFlip is based on restorative justice and creates an atmosphere of accountability for actions by “making things right” when harm is caused to others. BehaviorFlip will help us communicate and collaborate around student behavior issues. After a student reaches a threshold in either Respect or Responsibility, he/she will receive an intervention. Each intervention is paired with a logical/restorative consequence.


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