Assessments this Week

6th, 7th, and 8th graders will participate in either the iReady or MAP middle-of-year (MOY) assessment in Math this week. Both tests are diagnostics used to identify the specific skills each student needs to develop, identify each student’s areas of strength, and measure academic growth throughout the school year. Teachers use the data from iReady and MAP to inform instruction and identify students for summer acceleration programming. Students may bring their own corded headphones to use during the assessment (no Bluetooth!) or will be provided headphones by their teacher.  The top 5 students who show the most growth per team will earn a gift card.  Students who have grown a year or more since the beginning of the year (BOY) will also earn a treat.

Students will also take the ELA ANet 2 assessment in their ELA classes this week (Thursday - Friday). This is a curriculum-based classroom assessment that provides students the opportunity to demonstrate learning and provides teachers with actionable feedback for instruction.


National Junior Honor Society Form Due TODAY


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