8th Grade - June 20

Walking Passes - Students with walking passes will be dismissed at 12:00 pm from the front of the building. All other students will report to lunch and normal afternoon classes. No students will be dismissed without prior permission.  Walking passes will not be given for students who made requests after the deadline.

Dance - Attire for this very special event is “semi-formal” and we ask families to consider the dress code when selecting outfits. The dance is for Alice Deal Middle School 8th grade students only. The dance will begin at 5:00 pm and end at 7:30 pm.

Tickets – Tickets for the dance and promotion will be given to students in school on the morning of June 20. If you have any questions or ticket needs, we will have a "will call" table at the dance and all promotion ceremonies.


NJHS Inductees


Promotion Updates