7th Grade Spring Fling

Our 7th graders are celebrating the beginning of spring with a dance on Friday, March 24 from 3:30 until 5:30 pm.  Seventh graders who have demonstrated appropriate behavior and attended all classes will be able to participate int the Spring Fling.  The cost in advance is $1.00.  The cost will be $2.00 at the door.  Tickets will be sold in the cafeteria during lunch.  Seventh grade families are asked to donate individually packaged snacks.   Please contact assistant principal Cummings (raymond.cummings@k12.dc.gov), Ms. Kaufman (annessa.kaufman@k12.dc.gov), or Mr. McGrath (sean.mcgrath2@k12.dc.gov) with any questions.


Dealapalooza Continues This Week


Deal Swim Team